Feel like i've been kicked! is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I know every m/s is different, but i wondered if anyone else feels like they've been kicked in the stomach, or pulled a muscle in their belly, while they were having their m/s?

I had a very painful start to the m/s on saturday, and lots of internal examinations. I'm still bleeding normally (so like say day 3 of a period) but my abdomen just aches, like i've heart a muscle or been kicked.

Anyone else feel like this while going through it?

Like you Sweetheart i had not a nice miscarriage, and like you had many internal examinations, and i felt like someone had strech my tummy apart, it has settled down now, i just think with all the internal examinations it puts you under alot of stain and i struggled to relax into them and so made it all worse has i was so tense.....

I do hope you start to feel better phsycailly soon Sweetheart
thanks - that makes me feel a bit more normal!

KateQPR said:
thanks - that makes me feel a bit more normal!


Aww Glad i could be of some Help, Huge Cuddles, How are you feeling in yourself?

slowly getting there. Have been feeling very teary and numb all weekend, and totally exhausted.
But today i feel slightly more philosophical and can see that one day, i will want to TTC again. That's till a long way off, but i suppose i know i have to be positive about it, and at least now i know that i CAN get pregnant, and at least i know what to expect to feel when you fall pregnant, and if i m/c again i'd be less frightened and be clearer at what to expect.

This was my first pregnancy, so i guess its all been a real rollercoaster, from getting used to morning sickness, to the whole pain physical shock and pain of miscarriage.

These things make you stronger, and prepare you for other things in your life - you've got to think of it like that i reckon.

How was your experience? You ok now?
Like yourself i still feel all numb, teary etc, i am going to the doctors just to talk to them, has i am really panicy at the moment, i dont want to be left alone and at night im getting nervous and scared..... :oops: :cry:

Like yourself i have deiced i do want to TTC at a later date, if anything its made me want to be a mum even more....

And this was my first pregnancy too, i was shocked when i found out and i only knew for a few weeks before it was all taken away, and i was just getting used to the idea you know....
i totally understand. I think it just exhausts you, doesn't it - both mentally and physically. And your right - i wasn't expecting to get pregnant so soon ( it was our first try) but the good thing is it's brought myself and my boyfriend so much closer together and clarified that it's something that is really important to us, more than all the other things we've got or achieved together.

I get panicky too - always struggle with trying to control panic attacks and tonight is my first night alone in the house. But you just have to try to relax, breathe, and not dwell to much on the things that go on in your head ( i KNOW i think about things way too much). I think it's just compounded by not feeling in control of things, which can make the sense of anxiety or panic worse.

it's a rollercoaster and a lot to experience in such a short time. It's good that you are going to talk to your doctor - the more you talk, the more you can understand what you really feel. Hope that makes sense!
Thanks Kate, Yes i am strugling to talk to those around me right now, i have opened up to my OH but its still too hard, ive found myself talking a hell of alot on here which is helping but i just think i need a little more to help out, and i think need a docter to just check me out you know...

I lost my Grandad on the 8th of Noveber, i started spotting on 11th and then on the 14th i was Miscarrying, on the 15th it was my Grandad funerel but i never made it has i was in the hopstail having scans, treatment etc, when i did get out i collasped and have been to weak to even visit his grave yet, all of this i cant come to terms with, everything has happened in such a short space of time....

Sorry i dont mean to go off topic....Just opning up i guess....
you poor thing. You have to accept and understand that you have been through SO MUCH over the last few weeks, more than most people do in years. Just be easy on yourself and be totally honest with the doctor.

Do you have close friends you can talk to? I know sometimes it's easier to put on a brave face, but sometimes showing you're vulneralble and letting people care and love you will really help you.

You might even need to chat to someone professionally if you're worried about talking to those close to you (especially if theyre in their own mourning anway). Maybe the doc can put you in touch with a counsellor. Just think of it as mending your mind and getting yourself strong again so you can try to conceieve again when you're feel yourself again.

Be kind to yourself - you deserve it right now. feet up and put the kettle on and get someone to give you a big long hug... Things can only get better x
Thank You Kate, your words mean alot,

Unforthally most of my close friends are online, i dont have alot of friends round me, cant seem to keep friends round me :cry: I guess part of the reason im struggling to talk to those round me is like what you said they are still thinking of my Grandad and i dont want to cause more grief on them, has everyone is going thro alot right now....
then its even more important you get help from your doctor and talk to your partner.

Time will make it better - i promise.


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