Feel awful!

I don't know, probably.. I'm really bad at the unknown :)
Aha lol me too.. Although I think I'm Gunna wait until Monday/Tuesday hopefully Tuesday lol xx
Right off to a theme park tomorow!?! Would it show up on a test a day before I'm due on? Or shall I just not go on anything just incase? The day out is for my little boy so I wouldn't be going on many big ones anyway :) xxx
First response early response test can show reliable results up to 6 days before a missed period, clear blue digital is 99% accurate the day before period is due. Hope this helps. Have fun at the theme park.

Let us know how the testing goes.

Michelle x
Right off to a theme park tomorow!?! Would it show up on a test a day before I'm due on? Or shall I just not go on anything just incase? The day out is for my little boy so I wouldn't be going on many big ones anyway :) xxx

Do a test 2m, maybe a frer? Even if u get a bfn, Id take it easy on the big rides just in case. Your symptoms are very similar to mine when i got my bfp, im convinced your pregnant, just really hope this is it 4u xxx
Thanks Hun yeah Gunna take it easy I won't be going wild anyway lol as its only for little man :) xxx
Another bfn a day before af is ment to arrive! Don't feel like its Gunna come tho? Good sign hopefully xxx
Still thinking of you kmummy, how was the theme park?!? Testing tomorrow?!? Good luck!
Yeah it was good tar :) my little man had a great day so tired today tho!! Didn't go on any big rides just incaSe! It's af day today and no sign I normally get pains the day off so fingers crossed! Gunna leave it till Thursday morning to test :) xxxx
I will keep everything crossed for you, looking good for you getting your BFP.

Michelle x
I caved and done a test :( and realised I am 15dpo not 14 and bfn :( am I out? No signs of af still? Xxx
You're not out til AF arrives, hopefully just a shy one. If no sign of AF or BFP in a week, go the docs for a blood test xxx
Thanks Hun yep will do... Hate this waiting around .....
Just when I rite that go to toilet and iv come on :'(

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