Feel awful!

Ole miss how you getting on hope the witch af hasn't arrived xx
Hey girl I have been thinking of you all morning. Yeah, I got a BBBBBFFFFNNNN it was negative so fast... little worried. I am more worried about the fact that... if I am not pregnant then why and I so sick?? Yesterday I thought I was cramping and AF was coming... and then in the afternoon I needed a nap.. I was so tired and had some nausea all day, I couldn't eat my lunch. I don't know what is going on with me :(
Oh no hopefully just a shy bfp!! I'm going to test again on sat! I need to k is before Monday as I'm going to a theme park for my little boys birthday! Lol! If im due on Tuesday I'm sure it will show something by monday fingers crossed anyway! When is your af due? Xx
Omg I'm so tired! Trying to stay awake watching a film with little man eyes are slowly gettin heavier lol!! Xx
Aww gutted you got a BFP, your not out til the witch arrives though so fingers crossed

Michelle x
Hey girl, just woke up from a nap and still sick. My AF is due Sunday :/ fingers crossed... It sounds like you're having the same issues as me. I hope we aren't imagining things :) fingers crossed
Omg have had a headache for 12 hours I went to bed at 8 last night n feel sick untill I eat grrr soo anoyying! Oh fingers crossed then bab hopefully no af pains these couple of days!! Xxx
So last night I was cramping so bad... I knew the witch was coming... I was so sad that I couldn't sleep knowing in the morning I will be out buying tampons... I woke up... and nothing. No more cramps and No sign of AF... I am so confused... maybe we are going crazy xkmummyxx. Seriously! Longest two week wait EVER HA!!
Aha I no!!! Iv been having some cramps today :( argghh why can af fluck off!! Well only two more days for you to wait iv gotta wait till bludy Tuesday! Lol xxx
I have even longer to wait, my AF should be due next Saturday, 8 long days, this just sucks.

Michelle x
Another bfn this morning :( might just hold out on th tests until After Tuesday now xxx
A lot of people don't get BFPs until after AF is due, all your symptoms sound promising xxx
I got another BFN :/ as well! Balthazar, good luck keep us posted!! Blue- what else is going on and how many dpos? Zazu- I start tomorrow supposedly... Fingers crossed!
You not getting any af cramps yet your due on tomoro arnt you ? Good thing If your not :) my back is killing today :( but I get that with af xxx
Yes I was gettin cramps last night and I don't cry unless I'm on my AF and I cried at a commerical last night! I am so thirsty and constipated (sorry if to much) I always use the restroom the same time everyday and I have been off the last three days. Most of my cramps happen at night and are gone by morning. We shall see.
When Are you testing next?, are you just Gunna wait until Sunday? Xxx

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