Feel awful!


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
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Hey so yesterday and today I have felt do run down and feeling sick and having cramps I keep getting headaches iv been sleeping loads in 9dpo could this be pregnancy related or am I coming down with something!? Ohh I hope it means a bfp for me next week xx
It all sounds promising,will be watching for your updates.Fingers crossed for you!xx
Fingers crossed and keep us updated! Including all poas info! X
Will do ladies :) Gunna take one tomorrow might be to early but can't hurt I guess!?! Fx :D
HEY!!! I am going through the same thing. Last night I felt sick to my stomach, but nothing developed. This morning I woke up and felt great.... this afternoon same story as last night, sick to my stomach. I am 9dpo and I am having my fingers crossed... but I am wondering if I am sick and just reading into this. I spent the weekend with my mom in the hospital so very little sleep... I don't know... any advice?!
Lol oh dear hope mum is ok :) I'm feeling slightly better today but still feel a bit dizzy I just keep eating that seems to help my sickness a little... I'm soo tired though still in be as in typing this lol lucky my little boy loves playing in he's room first thing! Try eating little and often I you feel sick may help you? I'm wondering if mine was just a random sickness thing? God knows! But I am now constipated sorry tmi!! Which doesn't help the feeling if feeling sluggish! Getting a test this afternoon can't help myself will prob be a bfn but who knows! Xxx
Let us know hoe you get on, post a pic of the test we all love to line spot

Michelle x
Will do :) I'll get back from town about 3ish I'll post a pic then :) xxx
Oooh good luck, make sure you don't have a drink for a few hours before you test, as you aren't using fmu xxx
Yeah, I still feel different today.. I tested this morning first thing.. BFN! I might just be reading into this because I want it so bad... I just feel sick... maybe it's my AF coming... Oh well if I still feel off I will test tomorrow. Fingers Crossed!
Bfn!!! Ergh no anoyying didn't have a friggin drink all day! Ah well not giving up hope yet! :( xxx
Boo for the BFN's girls but you're not out until the witch appears :) Fx its just a little too early xxx
Rubbish! Still not out though, it's still early xxx
Thanks everyone! Fingers Crossed... xkmummyxx When are you going to try again?!?!? I think I am going to wait a couple of days. I don't know I'm too excited to wait but we will see.
Thanks ladies! Not completely sure when I ovulated as I'm only using apps but the app I used said I ovulated Tuesday but then I looked online and it said the saturday before! How anoyying! Gunna invest in sme ov sticks for next month if this int my month! So I'm either 7dpo or 10dpo so maybe that's why it's to early!? Olemiss Im trying again Thursday morn I think I'll try and leave it a day aha I'll try anyway!!! How many days past ov are you xxx
I am only using an app as well... I am 10 dpo, so maybe still a little early to test. I will wait it out with you and wait for Thursday... how exciting. Fingers Crossed!!! Good Luck Girlie
Lol ok good idea :) I'll be testing tomoro morning good luck bab xx
I actually feel like cramps are coming on... I think the witch is coming to visit :(
Oh no that's rubbish! Hopefully it's not! All my 'symptoms' have disappeared ! So duno wot that means xx

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