Feeding LO 'adult food'???


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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My lo has been doing really well with weaning - we do a mix of TW and finger food and she likes lots of different things. She has lumpy food and chews well for her age. My issue is more with what is ok to give her. When I went to weigh clinic on Tue the HV was really pushing that "baby should be eating what you are eating to make things easier and so they get used to a wide variety of tastes". I totally agree with this to a point but how far do you take it? Tonight for instance I fried off onions, garlic, peppers and mushrooms, then we had them with beef pasta parcels mixed with a bit of pesto. I just took a bit of this and chopped it up for lo and she loved it, but is this kind of thing ok? I'm steering clear of using salt and any extra sugar in lo's food, but would there be too much salt in the pasta parcels for her? It's all a bit confusing!
It sounds fine to me, although I've never used the pasta parcels. I always worry about salt too, I never cook with it but you never know about pre-made stuff. Maybe everything in moderation? We have the added worry of dairy allergy too, pain in the bum! X
Goodness me, I'm glad Evie isn't dairy intolerant - she is obsessed with cheese at the moment!! It must make things so much harder...
Harryhas everything we eat as 99% is homemade which I don't add salt to

So IMO a small bit of ready made stuff will be fine.

In one of my books it tells you how much salt/ sodium they can gave a day so I guess you could work it out from there?
G eats what every we eat. If your concerned about salt try calculating - the amount in most foods (assuming you don't add extra) is minimal when you think of LOs portion size.

If I think G has had a particularly 'salty' day - she did a bit today. I'll try stick to more fruit/veg tomorrow.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I've started reading the ingredients on everything as my lo has homemade food. She also has a cheese fetish at the mo which is good as her daddy doesn't eat cheese. She's not eating what we do as most of the time my DH eats different food to me as he's a type 1 diabetic and needs lots of carbs whilst I have pcos and carbs are a killer for me, she's more likely to eat what I eat but at the mo I'm still on the soup and salad so lo has fresh veg with pasta with cheese or bolognese sauce, yoghurts and fruit and custard x

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