I've been feeling crampy in my back and tum for over a week now. Like 'periody' and it's really piddling me off! I feel bad for whinging as there are a lot of you girlies who are worse off than me, but it's getting me down a bit.
Can't believe that I could have weeks left.
Plus MIL annoyed me today by saying that she's surprised I haven't had it yet what with all the problems I've had. I said that I didn't think I had had many probs (especially with some of you poor ladies suffering from SPD, premature labour etc etc) and she said well what with your infections, bleeding at the beginning (5 weeks pg and it was spotting) I thought you would've definately had the baby by now. DH said that she probably didn't mean it in the way that it came out, and I understand that, but I still felt 'prickly' when she said it.
Sorry just feeling a bit grrrrrrrrrr and sad
Can't believe that I could have weeks left.
Plus MIL annoyed me today by saying that she's surprised I haven't had it yet what with all the problems I've had. I said that I didn't think I had had many probs (especially with some of you poor ladies suffering from SPD, premature labour etc etc) and she said well what with your infections, bleeding at the beginning (5 weeks pg and it was spotting) I thought you would've definately had the baby by now. DH said that she probably didn't mean it in the way that it came out, and I understand that, but I still felt 'prickly' when she said it.
Sorry just feeling a bit grrrrrrrrrr and sad