fed up!


Active Member
Feb 15, 2005
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Hi there im pregnant with my second child and just found out its a little girl.

Just wondered if anyone else is having trouble with the old hormones i feel really down at the moment no particular reason really pleased with the pregnancy. My weight is bothering me slightly and feel a bit isolated i think.

Just wanted to know if anyones blood pressure has gone down while they are pregnant mine is 100/60 which is low for me but my midwife doesnt seem concerned so hope im ok also the breathlessness is quite bad.

But on a lighter note my boyf and my little girl who is 6 and i have finally decided on a name for the new baby olivia louise.

Think im just feeling a bit sorry for myself and could do with a few no several glasses of wine but thats also a no go. Anyone else finding these middle months hard work.
My blood pressure has also gone down quite alot, I thought it was something to with my giving up alcohol or something but I asked the midwife and she said it was normal for it to do that, she did give me a reason but I can't remember. I'm also getting quite breathless even when I just sat watching tele which is quite scary but I'm getting used to it!
before i left work my blood pressure was 120\85 + but now i have finished work it lower to 110\60 :D she didnt have a problem with that
My blood pressure has been low too, it's funny as I was worried about it being high at the beginning as I get easily stressed. I've been getting more and more breathless too- and in front of the telly as well (so so glad it's not just me- I got really freaked out by that the other day!). I am only 5ft though and my midwife did say right at the beginning that I'd get breathless due to the shortness of my body- I think it's affecting my bladder now as well which isn't nice.

As for the general hormone thing I had been fine if not chirpy up to now but the last two weekends I've been awful. Bad tempered, fed up, brought down by the constant niggly problems like not sleeping properly, swollen ankles, breathlessness etc. Yesterday I just wanted to sit in a dark room and cry for no good reason at all. My husband got me out of the house to pick blackberries though and that did lighten my mood although I'm still snappier than a hot and bothered ferret!

I'm hoping it will pass for me and my DH's sake but I think it's probably all very normal!

Hope you feel better soon- love the name :)
thanks for the replies glad its not just me, been to the doctors today as i was having real trouble breathing she was about as much use.

I asked if it could be caused by the baby and she said the baby was only up to my belly button by now so no where near my lungs i was like' oh ok'

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