Fed Up and Tired


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2005
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Less than 2 weeks to go and I am so tired and fed up. Love having the little bundle in me dont get me wrong but just cant wait to breathe properly and have my body back.

So many things start happening in your body that you've never felt before and you go insane questioning is this it??? But you just dont know when its your first. Feelin selfish that I feel this way and i know i shouldnt feel like this, seems like I am being so unappreciative cause there are so many peeps out there who would die to be in my situation, so why is it we all usually end up feeling like this?

ach, not long to go, suppose I've had my moan for today!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Don't feel selfish for feeling the way you do, I think its only natural, and I expect there are loads of people who would give their right arm to be pregnant but I bet you if & when they do become pregnant they will be feeling exactly the same.

I can sympathise with you, i've still got 6 weeks 5 days to go until my due date and i've just about had enough & know that the next few weeks are going to drag and be a struggle, i'm willing him to come early, my back ache is driving me insane & i'm soooooo uncomfortable. I think my bump is bigger than it should be at this stage so hoping I somehow got my dates wrong (I know I haven't tho.! :( )

What signs are you getting at the mo.? do you think bubs will make an appearence sooner rather than later?

Hope you do feel brighter soon. Take Care.

I'll join you with the being fed up.....

LOL look at your ticker compared to mine that should cheer you up, you have 13 days to go, 13 days you lucky thing!!!!! Look at mine , ages away! Not long now, hang in there (as if youve got the choice LOL) and your LO will soon be here.


Hi I felt like this towards the end of my pregnancy, I was also 2weeks overdue, you need to prepare yourself for this, becuase I was convinced that Ella was going to come early so it wasa big shock to go term+2weeks!
Then when I did have her, althought delighted to have her here, I really missed being pregnant, its a strange feeling I felt sad not to feel her kicks inside of me, so dont wish it away, make the most of your last few weeks, relax and enjoy the good things about being pregnant, the time will fly :)
Hello, I am feeling the same as you!

people keep telling me I will be early too, which is not a help, just puts me more on edge, everytime I get a pain or feel ill I think, oh its happening!

But I know it could be 3 weeks yet!!

My partner does not want me to drive any more either so I am house bound, unless I use the buses! but I dont fancy that this late on, I have become lazy since passing my test!
Well Now I know I aint alone!!!! lol

Thanks everyone, its nice having people who are going through the same thing. OH is amazing but unless your pregnant or have been i dont think you can fully understand. Mind you he'd be worth a fortune if he was pregnanct! lol

Here's me moaning about it all and suddenly I start getting serious pressure, period cramps and back ache every now and again. Scared time in case I get disapointed lol. Fingers crossed. When going for a pee I always hope for some sort of show! (TMI) lol
If anyone is online right now and has sky Baby channel 285 is showing positions for labour that help!

V x
Can I join the 'fed up' club? I am due in 14 days but it seems like ages!! My pregnancy has gone really quickly so why does it drag so much now :cry:

I also keep thinking that every little twinge or slight cramp feeling is the start of labour - willing it to get painful but being disapointed each :cry: time it eases off and goes away. I have decided to try to think about other things - plan things to look forward to and get on with stuff - but its easier said than done :?

Good luck!
Hey guys, still fed up?

I woke up feeling great yesterday after the night before i got to 10 minutes apart. Finally went to sleep and woke up yesterday. Although it had stopped through the night i felt really good cause you always hear of people having a bit of a tease then usually next day they go, but god I am still here lol.

Would have been oline telling you all this yesterday if OH hadnt spilled his drink in the keyboard lol

ANyways hope everyone else is doing well!

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