Fed up and irritated


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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I've arrived home to my parents for Christmas and all I'm getting already are little jokes about, well generations of kids did fine on purees, aw I bet he is so hungry etc etc. My dad asked me what it would say about BLW if A turned out to be a fussy eater after all. I know they're only joshing but it's really rubbing me up the wrong way and I'm seeing red. I just want to scream at them all to fuck off. Not ideal when I've only been here for 6 hours.

What quick snappy replies can I give about why I want to do blw. I've already snapped at them that he's my baby and my choice.

I'm so friggin annoyed.
Don't snap x stay calm and give them well reasoned arguments x this is what I did with my parents and they very quickly shut up as they were unable to argue back x
agh feel your annoyance honey xxx

just like Helen said, try and stay calm and ignore it. not easy but yo'll reap the rewards with A and BLW. maybe you should have bough them the gill rapley blw book for xmas??

hugs xx
I guess it's the fact that they aren't asking questions, they are making jokes and little comments. If they were inquisitive and curious but a bit sceptical I'd understand. Its hard enough when you're already doing something different from Everyone around you, it would Be nice to just have the support.

It makes me doubt myself and question my choice. Maybe im just exhausted and emotional :(
Oh hon, everyone was like that with us, maybe people joke via they don't understand. U prob are tired and emotional and sometimes its nice to hear from people so close to u...ie family, that yes, they think u are doing a fab job. Remind them that at weaning at 6 months there's no need for.purees at this age and milk is the main thing. If I think of any good come backs I'll let u know xxx
Thanks Amy :)

I got a "why not just give him pureed banana as well, he may like that?" when he was attempting to eat a banana this
Morning and it was going everywhere.

Just feeling disheartened. :( xx
I've had it from day 1, oh he's hungry give him some more, when 1) i didn't have any left and 2) I was trying to get in to a routine. I know mine will be the same as yours in a couple of months when I try BLW.

You could always make a joke of them being old "When I were a lass/lad" and point out they allowed you to smoke on the labour ward - oh how things have changed. The main thing is, don't let it get to you. I sometimes think that there is a bit of jealousy if you are doing something different to what they did. THat you are trying something that is more difficult, but should pay off in the long run.

If it's any consolation. I was just in bed having my first rest in months (i dont have a partner to help) and my Mum took LO downstairs so I could have a 45 min! cat nap before his next feed and I heard her saying "oh you little orphan boy, you've been disowned" or something along those lines. Had I heard that a few months ago I would have gone crazy....but I just let it go and turned over and went to sleep. Sometimes people can say things that they don't realise are hurtful/annoying because they don't think.

Ignore them and keep up the good work!
Just ignore them, if you don't rise to you it they'll soon get bored... hopefully! It's just a generation thing and everyone else allllways thinks they know better! Whether it's food/sleep/clothing/whatever! The whole world has an opinion!

I wish my son had been cut out for blw but he wasn't at all so we had to give up and do tw and he is now the worlds fussiest eater and he's only now coming up to 1!! Am hoping that baby #2 will be better with it!
We do BLW with Caitlin and its the best thing ever, she will be enjoying a full xmas dinner Christmas day! She isn't funny and will eat anything. A friends baby who is two months older was TW and will not eat any food that is lumpy :( they are having an awful time getting him to eat now
I did TW at 4 months my son is a pain in the bum though He watched us eat from day one and then screamed wether or not he had just been fed, as we were eating and he wasn't it was a nightmare even now I end up sharing my tea with him. He will eat proper food in small chunks so its not too bad for me but he took til 9 months for his bottom teeth to come through so thats helping him chew up food now x

Its up to you hun, I choose the TW as he wasn't drinking much milk each sitting and I was worried he wasn't getting enough so gave food here and there. He never slept through till 9 months either well more like 10 months now as he is finally getting to realise once he is in bed its sleep time x

If your son is taking fine to BLW then keep it up. I was snubbed for making my own baby food at groups and one mother even boasted her son took his food cold so he was easy to feed. Felt sorry for him. I personally only give and do what I would want. They are only little versions of us after all x
I got the comments too, everyone so convinced she wanted food before we got to 6 months, and quite a lot of scornful/teasing comments about new age mumbo jumbo methods and even if you're sure it's what you want to do, it *does* make you think sometimes whether you're right - just stick to your guns though. I cheated a bit with bananas actually when LO was your LO's age, cos they're so easy to make a hell of a mess with, if I wanted to limit mess I held it and she held my hands and guided them to my mouth. I honestly don't understand the desire to puree bananas for them, it's virtually puree anyway!
Rósa;2336091 said:
A friends baby who is two months older was TW and will not eat any food that is lumpy :( they are having an awful time getting him to eat now

Tell them not to worry my son was the same.

We tried to blw him but he couldn't handle the food, in the sense that he would try and swallow what he bit off whole, and he would bite off as much as he could fit in his mouth :wall2:He would choke and gag really badly so in the end we had to TW him.

He LOVED smooth food and really took off with it, but when it came to introducing food with lumps the same thing happened, except this time he was puking up whatever was in his tum when he gagged on teh food then choking on his vomit. It was very distyressing for both of us. One time I had to tip him up and hit his back after food got lodged in his throat and he started to choke for air :shock:

I had to blend everything. He finally started chewing the smooth food when he was 10 months old.

He is 1 next week and now eats sandwiches, toasted muffins, bananas, cheerios etc. He can handle food now, but he is very very fussy. He wants what we eat but when we let him, he never likes it lol

Sorry for the ramble lol, but just tell your friend that LO will get there in their own time. Some babies just take longer.

Our son wasn't cut out for real food until he was ready, but obviously we had to give him something as from 6 months they do start to need other nutrients in their diet even though milk is still the most important!

Thankyou for all the replies :)

I just keep dropping in comments about how
Much he seems to be enjoying etc, etc etc. I'm hoping Oman
Couple of Months when they see how great he is at eating try will apologise!!! Xx
"yeah but the war changed all that" is always a good one when folk start on about was done in their day.


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