Fat cat & skinny cat!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Not sure where to post this sorry but need help!
Took our 2 cats to the vets yesterday for their checkup.

The male cat needs to loose half a kilo, and the female one needs to gain half a kilo!

The male cat eats alot, all the time, and the female cat will just eat very little but often, so I'm not sure how we can limit the food without making female cat shrink even more.

Female cat is most definitely in charge. she always gets 1st dibs but isn't interested for long, then fatty hoovers off the rest lol

Any suggestions?

Did the vet check their metabolism? My Grandma had that situation and it was their metabolism - her Tom cat had a slow metabolism so he was pretty chunky and her Queen metabolised things faster. I can't remember what the solution was off the top of my head, though, sorry!
Is there any special diet food u can buy both of them from the vets to gain weight/lose weight?
and feed them is separate bowls and pick up after then have eaten??

LJY - she didn't, but tbh, girl cat doesn't eat much and boy cat just eats everything and anything! They are siblings so its a bit odd!

I did wonder about diet food, might look in to it.

I'm going to try timed feeds, so feeding them in separate rooms then taking away what they don't eat after ten mins or so. Girl cat just licked the jelly off the meat and buggered off! Boy cat is following us around meowing constantly!

I'm sure they will get used to it!

awww gosh! my cat was a fussy eater and she scoff down any wet food and throw it back up.. but hated dry food!
Shes settled with iams now tho. Occasions scoffs and is sick. Shes an odd one!

Hope u get it sorted tho hun and its not to stressful! xx
Aww poor kittys! Surely its the same as humans? And some weigh more n some weigh less? I have two skinny cats but they eat so many biscuits its ridiculous.

Must say, the one who eats all day long (she stays in house or garden all day and helps herself to biscuits) is a little bigger than the one who ventures. The one who ventures comes back between 6-7 every night to eat, then eats in morning n is gone again all day. But maybe she has better metabolism than the bigger cat xx

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Are they wormed regularly?
That could affect her nutritional intake
Also get a laser pen and play with the boy for more exercise x
Half a kilo isn't much - male cats- even more so if neutered gain weight- I'm a cat a holic and my male is way fatter than my 2 females... If the female who is underweight is In charge then I wouldn't worry too much- it's like using a human BMI calculater- they are just as useless!

If wormed and de flea'd often I would leave them to it :)
Yes they go to the vets often for checks so I know they are fine. Boy cat is neutered and very lazy, girl cat is often out all day which also helps explain it.

I've been putting down the same amount for both but feeding them in separate rooms. When they are done, I take girl cats food away and only leave boy cats food as boy cats been eating his plus half his sisters! This way he isn't getting any extra but the female cat can still graze if she wants.

Although today I woke up to a bloody great half eaten bird so I think they are getting revenge for me putting them on a diet!

Thank you for all of your replies


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