fallen pregnant on the implant


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Sep 24, 2011
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hello all i have just found out i am 20 weeks pregnant on the implant. i found out a week ago and since then i feel so emotional it not sunk in what so ever despite having had a scan and knowing its a boy. any advise is welcome
Aww it must have come as a bit of a shock hunny, especially as you'd done something to prevent it. You just need time for it to sink in and to get your head around it hunny. We're all here if you wanna chat or need any advise though. Congratulations on your little boy :) xx
Wow congrats! Hope it sinks in soon and ur in the best place for it!

Wow congrats, 20 weeks what a shock!! Its worth it believe me, once its sunk in it'llbe the best feeling ever :) xx
ooh got no advice, if theres anything specific your wondering about then ask away, everyone is really nice and helpful. i hope your happy with your news despite its unplanned nature. i had the implant 3 times, had the first one for 5 yrs and never caught on it so i feel for you hun as i got it so i deffo wouldnt get pg and would have been shocked and a bit miffed that it didnt work. id have loved my baby regardless tho. :)
I kinda know how you feel as I fell pregnant whilst taking the pill, which I guess isn't as much as a shock as the implant as you can easily forget etc which I didn't. I found out earlier on though.
Suppose the good thing is there isn't much of a pregnancy left but bad side that you have less time to get used to the idea. If you need anything just ask away :)
Congrats by the way.x
Congrats. Can understand why ur shocked!! U have come to the best place for advice.

Enjoy the re wider of ur pregnancy xx
A friend of mine (although not very close) got pregnant in the same way. She was 6 months though when she found out. She now has a one year old boy who she absolutely loves to pieces. He wasn't planned but I know she wouldn't change it for the world!!

Can't give you any advice, I think us 1st timers are all getting used the idea on here together. xxx
Wow can totally understand why you feel the way you feel. It's a big shock and a big adjustment. But to echo the other ladies your gonna end up with a beautiful boy. Ask anything you need to. We're here to help.
I fell pregnant with my little girl whilst one the injection and was 16 weeks before I found out! Shocked was not the word!!!!!! I felt every feeling in the world some good some not so good!!!! the. Second my lo was born, I fell in love and I fall deeper every day. She's is four now and my life is better every day just because she is in it! U just wait, ur little boy will become the light that brigtens your life!!!! Xxx
its defiantly a emotional roller coaster at the minute, one minute im happy about the news then im crying then go into a totally phased out mode back to happy to petrified to being happy again. i cant explain it very well how do i add a picture?
its defiantly a emotional roller coaster at the minute, one minute im happy about the news then im crying then go into a totally phased out mode back to happy to petrified to being happy again. i cant explain it very well how do i add a picture?

Do you mean avatar or signature (or both) or just a general picture?

For the avatar and sig I think you need to have posted a few more times and then it will let you.
a picture in general really. thank you all for you responses, and advise. i seriously struggling to get things in perspective, not sleeping properly either since found out so thats not helping either of us.
Well on the plus side at least you have skipped all the sickness! My firends has got pregnant on the injection but found out early on she was shocked but now is getting excited and planning for the baby... Maybe talk to your midwife about anything your feeling and she may advice whats best to do.. as for the sleeping it may be worry so should get better in time. Have you told your family etc because i know once i had got that other with it took loads of the stress away... i think telling everyone scared me more than anything lol x
Congratulations on ur boy x and I'm sure once the shock of it all sinks in, ul be really happy! At least uv got the worrying times of first scans etc out of the way! But I do understand how u must feel x everyone is here for you x
wow!! I sort of know how you feel, I got pregnant on the pill and using condoms! I was in shock too, but me and my OH have always wanted children, were just waiting till we were better off financially etc, so we're really happy, but scared too. Im still finding it hard to actually believe it!! These forums have been great for support and everything though. I haven't really got any advice, just conratulations and I'm sure everything will work out amazingly for you! :D x x x

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