eye colour


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I have read that all babies are born with blue eyes?
So was everyone in the world with brown eyes born blue eyed?
Im just thinking as i got blue eyes and daddy to be got dark brown eyes, but his mum got blue eyes so i was sort of hoping for blue eyes..
Brown eyes are dominent over any other colour- you could be lucky though and the blue might slip through! :)
My friends daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes - she's adorable! :)

My OH has blue and I have brown - i'm hoping for brown though! Will be more of a mummy's boy/girl then! Hehe! x
im just really hoping as our baby will be mixed race it would be sooo cute with blue eyes..
My mum has brown hair and brown eyes and my dad has red hair and blue eyes-according to genetics brown should dominate BUT me and my middle sister have red hair blue eyes and my oldest sister has White blonde hair and blue eyes! Absolutely no sign of my mother at all! Lol x my daughter is blonde haired blue eyed, her dad was brown hair brown eyed x I'm hoping bubs will have my OH's eye colour-green eyes! I would love a red haired little girl but a blonde haired boy! Lol x dunno why though
My mum has brown hair and brown eyes and my dad has red hair and blue eyes-according to genetics brown should dominate BUT me and my middle sister have red hair blue eyes and my oldest sister has White blonde hair and blue eyes! Absolutely no sign of my mother at all! Lol x my daughter is blonde haired blue eyed, her dad was brown hair brown eyed x I'm hoping bubs will have my OH's eye colour-green eyes! I would love a red haired little girl but a blonde haired boy! Lol x dunno why though

Red hair - green eyes is soo cute
I think all babies are born with blue eyes Hun but they change to
thier proper colour about 2 weeks after birth! x x
I have brown hair and brown eyes. (well, hazel) my first son isn't my husbands but his father has blue eyes and brown hair. My son has blue eyes and had white blonde hair till he was 5!

My 2nd son has blond hair and blue eye, the same as his dad, my husband!

My friend has 5 children, all but one has blond hair and blue eyes like their father and only one has brown hair and brown eyes like his mother.

Brown eyes are supposed to be dominant over blue but i think it depends if the brown eyed parent has a blue gene in there somewhere. Like my father has blue eyes and so had his mother.
Aw I just love blue eyes, and I'd love my LO to have blue eyes. Mine are brown and OH's are blue, so fingers crossed!!
i dunno if this helps but my dad is mixed race and he has green eyes, and so has my mum.. (who's white) and i inherited my dad's green eyes! (mums are brighter where as dad's are browny green).

but i know what you mean about mixed race and blue eyes, that would be lovely! xx
I think it really is just pot luck really! Brown eyes are dominate over blue, but if 2 parents have brown eyes but with recessive blue then there is a possibility that one of their children could have blue eyes. I have always been taught in genetics that blue eyes is recessive, but both my husband and I have blue eyes and my son has greeny hazel eyes so I really do not know where they came from!!
I'm hoping for a blue eyed bubba, I'd love my eyes to be blue too! Mine are very dark but OH's are a lovely bright blue but I wouldn't be surprised if baby is brown haired / brown eyed like me, both my sister and I have my dads eyes and my Mums are a lovely blue but we both missed out!

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