Eye Colour Change


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
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Was just wondering when babies eyes start to change colour. I notice Jaydens are going a slight Hazel colour just round her pupil at the moment. Is that the 1st signs or her eyes going brown do you think? She's just gone 5 months xxxxx
Hey Em,

im sure its around 6 months or so, Max has had a speck of brown for about 2 months, but they still look a bit bluey grey to me!!! I was going to as health visitor today when i get him weighed!!!

Did you get Jaydon weighed yet???

Natalie xx
Hey there Nat, you're online at home now - yey!!!!!

Yeah I finally got her weighed last Wednesday and she's 16lb exactly.

Tried her with banana yesterday - not impressed, this morning added a bit of wilk and warmed it and she was ok although I don;t think I'll give it too often as she doesn;t look like she likes it as much as the oter stuff I give her.

What age did you give Max meat?

Zara's eyes have been grey but she's just starting to get a hazel colour around her pupils so I think they're changing. I'm expecting them to be brown because my husband is asian and has hazel/brown eyes but that said, some Pakistanis do have grey eyes.
i got told they will be there true colour at 6 motnhs old.

Charlies eyes had started to turn brown wthin a few days, they are now mainly brown, with a bluey/grey outline
Well i dont know what colour eyes max is gonna have then!!!

Emma - i started giving max chicken about a week ago, got told yesterday that now he is 6 months i can give him pretty much anything!!! apart from shellfish and honey and a few other things!

he now weighs 15.2 and finally in 3-6 months clothes!!!



Kiaras eyes havent changed at all still a really pretty blue Bernie and i both have blue eyes so think they will stay this way yay.

newbump Kiara is in 3/6 month clothes already he must be tiny ?

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