

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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I really want to try and stay trim but i'm worried about exercising. What do you reccomend ladies? Obviously nothing too strenuous, just still want to stay on top etc.
Thanks xx
I walk home from the station most days, takes about 40 minutes - I'm 24 weeks. I was very fit & active before pregnancy & I can't wait to get back to the gym but I'm too hefty for that now!x
I'm only four weeks, and walk to work and will carry on as normal hopefully to try and stay trim, but walking for me doesn't really make a difference. I was thinking pregnancy yoga?
I'm only four weeks, and walk to work and will carry on as normal hopefully to try and stay trim, but walking for me doesn't really make a difference. I was thinking pregnancy yoga?
I do yoga and walk my dogs an hour and a half twice daily.. It hasn't stopped me gaining 2 1/2 stone!

Hopefully it'll kick it once bub is here!!

I think you can pretty much continue as you were - so don't take up anything new, but you are fine to stay active to the level you were when you got pregnant.

I was very active before I was pregnant, I am still traipsing up and down hills to look after my horses, mucking out a couple of times a week, walking the dog, as well as running my pub - so on my feet a lot! I have to admit though, I am starting to struggle now at 22 weeks - if I do too much I really feel it by the end of the day, so I am trying to force myself to slow down a bit exercise wise.
I did yoga & found it just boring! I'm used to running, spinning, lots of regular cardio so I can walk for hours with no issues but in terms of not doing anything strenuous in later weeks walking & swimming are pretty much all I can manage!x
I used to spin 3 times a week but was advised against this. Never liked swimming so just walk the dogs as my exercise. I look after disabled children so am never say down !! Only advise is don't eat for two however when my morning sickness was at its worse thats hard !! I just ensured I snacked on fruit rather than chocolate all the time.

I'm 25 weeks and gained just over a stone and am told by my friends it's all
Bump luckily ;) !!

Can't wait to get back to the gym tho ... Everything is about wobbly now lol

Sam x
As you get bigger swimming is excellent. The feeling of being lighter again in the water is fab! I can't get enough of it - it's just the getting dressed in the tiny cubicle after that's a problem!
I'm still going to the gym at the moment, just using the bike and cross trainer. I continued with my aerobics classes until I was about 18 weeks but feeling a little too heavy for that now! I was told to stop kettlebells though. Just don't knacker yourself out x
Swimming is really nice when pregnant, it's great for you and relaxing for baby. Plus, you can do it right through, even in tri 3 xx
Oooh, I really fancy a swim, might see where I could go!
I loved swimming especially later on as it takes the weight and pressure off back, hips and bum, just keep on walking, eat sensibility, my friend was a size 6 and put on 4 stone, mostly fluid, theres nothing you can do to prevent that, she was back in her skinny jeans 2 week post baby!..........lucky cow! Lol
You can do any excersize you did before your were pregnant, the advice is to not really take up anything new (apart from walking or swimming). The only caveat to that is excersioze that concentrates on the abdominals (crunches and certain weight lifting positions).
I am hoping to keep up with my running. I wont be following my strict marathon an anymore but I certainly hope to be out for my ten mile runs a couple of times a week. Oh and I also cycle to work xxx
I bought a pregnancy workout dvd yesterday 'The Plan' has anyone tried it?
I carried on with 2 Zumba classes a week until 30 weeks but had to tone it down a bit. Also managed the gym until about 25 weeks and I still walk twice a day with the dog and swim once a week. Iv put on 2stone

It's for before and after pregnancy- easy to follow twelve minute exercise blocks and expert advice from doctors and midwifes. Xx

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