Ewcm post ov?


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
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Hi all,

I'm quite new to this TTC lark. Came off the pill 2 months ago and my first cycle after my withdrawal bleed was 35days long. I'm trying to be laid back about everything at the mo so I'm not using Opk's or temping. I think I ov'd on my first cycle as I had cramping mid cycle and quite a lot of ewcm.

I'm now mid cycle 2 (day 17) and I think I may be/have ovulated. I have had cramping for 3 days and a lot of Ewcm today. Does anyone get ewcm post ovulation? Not quite sure where I'm at!

We have dtd every other day for the past week. Just trying to make sure I cover the basics, don't want to make an industry out if it just yet as we're early days.

Find this all so confusing as never really bothered to take notice if my cycle pre bc
I'm exactly the same as you, I suddenly realised I don't know how long my cycle is.
I don't want to go ott with it all, but I also don't want to miss out on a cycle.
I've started by basing my cycle on an avg. 28 days and I'll adjust when I know, I'm going to do an opk next cycle to see when exactly it is, once I've all the facts, then it's just a matter of taking it easy.

Have you ever TTC before?

No haven't ttc before this is our first time. I was on the pill for ages so am finding it abit tricky. Hence the every other day for Dtd to cover the bases.
Don't think my husband has ever been this happy! He even bought me flowers the other day! Lol
Sounds like a good plan what your doing.
Haha,we started every other day, but knowing the best times is better for me. My OH has been enjoying also, all his Christmases at once :) its our anniversary tomorrow and he's booked us a spa day :-D only, some of the treatments are not pg friendly, so I'm a little apprehensive incase I am ... But I think that's just ott paranoid!
Very nice! Enjoy that, I wouldn't worry too much, I've read quite abit about the body being very resilient so
I'm sure the odd spa treatment as a one off is not going to hurt too much. The relaxing effect will probably help ;)
You normally get ewcm a bit before OV, so maybe you are OVing a little later this cycle! If you're just off the pill it may take a while for your cycles to settle down - so keep up the BDing - just in case!

your cm should change from EwCM to creamy/lotiony or dry after O under the influence of the change in hormones after ov.....if you still have ewcm I would say you are about to O or have only just and it will dry up by tomoz. with a 35 day cycle you can ov as late as day 21/22
Sorry to butt in was wondering if everyone gets ewcm around the time of ovulation? This is my ovulating day but I've not had any yet!x
No, not everyone gets it - and the amount I get varies from cycle to cyle too! My cm can be a bit all over the place - from watery, to creamy, to ewcm, to creamy before I get a + opk - confusing - I use Preseed to help the swimmers and just keep BDing to make sure I stand the best chance I can!

I am trying EPO this cycle to help with ewcm - but not sure yet whether it has really!

No, not everyone gets it - and the amount I get varies from cycle to cyle too! My cm can be a bit all over the place - from watery, to creamy, to ewcm, to creamy before I get a + opk - confusing - I use Preseed to help the swimmers and just keep BDing to make sure I stand the best chance I can!

I am trying EPO this cycle to help with ewcm - but not sure yet whether it has really!


Ok thanks..I had a tiny amount last month but nothing so far this month. I've actually 'dried up' a bit. What does this mean?lol xx
Thanks Milly, seems to be less today so think I ov'd yesterday so bd'd just at the right time. Assuming everything drys up tomorrow I'm now in 2WW-eek!
Yeah, but don't monitor cm after OV as its nit reliable.Good luck ladies. Xx

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