EWCM after ovulation?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
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I didn't think was possible? But I'm sure I had some today :wall2: I haven't caught my surge this cycle buy I'm certain I ovulated at the latest yesterday. Dont think ive ever had this after ovultion before-Could I still have a bit left over maybe? Can anybody else tell me if they get any AFTER ovulation? I've been bd'ing for 7 days now I'm not sure I can take any more!
I havent had it before but even if you are ovulating today then I'm sure you have done enough so try not to worry. Maybe an opk tomorrow will put your mind at ease? X
Good idea Lisey I'll do an OPK tomorrow. No point in doing one now as I've drank so much fluids today to ease my cystitis. I really wish I'd caught my surge now! Xxx
I hope you get a big fat negative tomorrow-thats not something you usually wish on here but I hope your bd'ing work is done and you're in the 2ww :) x
I still had some the morning after i ov last cycle - but it changed by the afternoon.

This is what fertility friend says about it......

Why do I have eggwhite cervical fluid after I have already ovulated?

Some cervical fluid after ovulation is possible because the corpus luteum, though its main function is to produce progesterone, produces estrogen in small amounts. This may cause you to see some fertile-looking cervical fluid, even after ovulation.
If your temperatures and other signs show clearly that you have already ovulated, then you can be confident that you are no longer fertile. It is also not uncommon to confuse semen and eggwhite or watery cervical fluid. Some women also notice some fertile-looking cervical fluid just before menstruation.
However, if your chart does not show clearly that you have already ovulated (with a clear and sustained thermal shift) do not stop having intercourse. Keep on considering the possibility that you are still fertile as long as you see fertile cervical fluid to make sure you don't miss a chance to conceive.
I've had the same this month, but had a neg OPK yesterday and my cm was still ew yesterday. Not sure what's going on with me x

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