Evening primrose oil capsules


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
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Hi ladies iv just started taking 1000mg and it says one a day. I have a sweep on Fri and I really really really really want my cervix to be down and ready. Il be 38 weeks so worried it won't be ready but I don't want to be induced. Does anyone know if you can take more than just the one??
I've heard of some ladies sticking a capsule 'up there' lol
I wouldn't overdo it though - apparently you can have too much and too much isn't good for the babe!
Yeah I don't think they recommend that lol x
Have no idea Blueclass but just wondering how you are getting a sweep at 38 weeks? I have appointment at 38 weeks too, can I request for a sweep or does it depend on personal circumstances? Not being nosey just would like to get going a bit earlier myself as my first was overdue and had complications with labour when it eventually happened! Xx
Iv had a lot of reduced movements so they want to induce me next week. Just ask your mw if it's something you can have. X
I took it aggressively close to my sweep last time 2500mg a day. I took 5 x 500mg capsules I ha a sweep at 36+4 and I was already 1cm. Yes you can use it as a pessery but I took orally x
Ok il start taking two a day then from now so that will be 2000mg. Just wasn't sure if it could hurt baby. I don't think il be inserting as mw does not recommend it x
I swallowed x2 1000mg epos and inserted one before bed xx
My sweep is next week my bottle says 1/2 1000mg a day I'm taking two and I'm using one at night "up there" as I did with my eldest I checked my cervix when I got out of the bath a minute ago (that wasn't easy trust me haha) and it's very soft and feels very open :eek:
My sweep is next week my bottle says 1/2 1000mg a day I'm taking two and I'm using one at night "up there" as I did with my eldest I checked my cervix when I got out of the bath a minute ago (that wasn't easy trust me haha) and it's very soft and feels very open :eek:
Did u pick it or just put it up? Also how do you find your own cervix lol? My sweep is this Friday before work.
I pricked it first, it's not easy with a big bump :,) sorry if tmi but you did ask I don't know if you have ever felt it when you weren't pregnant but it's like a little meaty ring haha when it's not "ripened" it feels similar to the end of your nose but when it's "ripened/softened" it feels more like your lips. According to Google searches anyway and mine is very soft :/
Do be careful about too much epo though! I don't remember what I was reading, some nhs study of herbal treatments in pregnancy, and they had one case of epo use cited in which the baby came out with some sort of rash or some irritation of the face due to it or something... I'm sorry, I forget what exactly! But that was due to the mother taking a lot and putting them up her also...
Il think I night just take 2 capsules. In to scared to out Obe up there lol x
You should be ok with 2000mgi was earlier than you took the extra 500mg to help ripen quicker xx
Ok that's great thanks.

Thanks for everyone's responses x
I went to buy some epo in holland and Barrett and the girl in there told me you shouldn't take it when pregnant. I'm almost 38 weeks and so ready for this baby to come out. In loads of pain with spd and really struggling now. I am willing to try anything at this stage! Has anyone else been told not to take it? X
I went to buy some epo in holland and Barrett and the girl in there told me you shouldn't take it when pregnant. I'm almost 38 weeks and so ready for this baby to come out. In loads of pain with spd and really struggling now. I am willing to try anything at this stage! Has anyone else been told not to take it? X
Just get it from a supermarket, it is kept where all the vitamins are x

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