Well the bloody turned up tonight...boo! So I'm going to start EPO this month, I've just bought some from sainsburys. It's 1000mg & says to take 1 a day, is this wat most ppl take?
yep 1000mg is the dosage. be aware though in some women (me included) it can make ovulation later than normal (in my case a week later) whihc will in turn make your cycle longer - i went from a rgular 29 day cycle to a 36day! if i hdnt been temp charting i would have been convinced i was a week late and was pg!!
I don't know if it is common or not but when I did a google search there were a lot of forums with women saying similar things. Give it a go and if it messes up a cycle just don't use them for the next one. Also if u do take them make sure u stop at ovulatio as they are dangerous if u take them after. X
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