Empty sac!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
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Hello, I'm new to this, I'm 23 and have just found out 3 weeks ago I'm pregnant due to missed period. A week later I started Having a little bit of discharge and went to my doctor who had a look inside and said my cervix was closed and did swabs etc with came back I had a vaginal infection (common in pregnancy apparently)! She also sent me for a scan the following day, I worked out I would be 6 weeks but the woman said I was 5 weeks and there was a sac and a yolk but could only be found during vaginal scan. The following Friday I started bleeding when I wiped so I phoned on call and got told to go to bay call asap, after I got off the phone I noticed if started clotting aswell and put a pad on but it didn't fill. When I went up the hosp the doctor dodnt check me over just told me that I'd had a MC and to take a test in a few days to make sure it says negative then sent us on our way. I rang the labour ward the next day and the doctor got me up there to check me over cervix still closed and there was a bit of blood around it so she said it was a threatened mc and sent me for a scan a week later, scan day arrived and hadn't had a drop of blood from that day they did a vaginal scan and showed the sac had gotten bigger but there was no yolk sac anymore and there was a bit of fluid and clots at the bottom of my uterus so she said I'v mc and Itl pass but I've had no blood what so ever since and no pain, I don't know what to do next. This is my first pregnancy and I'm very scared xx
I'm really sorry to hear that :( I'm 23 and had a miscarriage too in Feb. I'm happy to message you if you want to have a chat about this at all.

You will need to keep an eye on it but if nothing else happens then they will want you to go back in to basically remove everything else that is left (I know that sounds horrible but there's no nice way to say that :/).

How long has it been since the scan? I'd say if nothing happens in the next week go back to your GP and they should be able to get the process started. If nothing happens then I think it can get infected and nasty.

Hugs x
Thank you misscharli, this is my worry incase of any infections, they told me it will just pass but the bleeding completely stopped the day of the scan so I'm not sure when it will start again. The scan was only 2 days ago but because I'd been bleeding heavily up to it I thought it'd carry on but I've had nothing at all. Sounds awful but we want to be able to move on and try again but the thought of an empty sac inside me is just horrible. I'm sorry for your mc too how far along were you if you don't mind me asking? I'd never thought about being pregnant In the first place never mind losing it xx
Some miscarriages never pass on their own and need to be either medically or surgically managed. I was 'lucky', mine was complete by the time I had my scan (6 days after the bleeding started) and there was nothing at all to see on the scan so I was basically sent home with nothing else needed. I don't know much about the other options, but maybe someone else here will know.

I was 6 weeks along (ish, I wasn't completely sure having not tracked anything) and I had only known for 11 days by the time it happened. It definitely took us by surprise too, though we haven't used protection in ages. I know you must feel really awful now, but it does ease a little in time and focusing on trying again definitely helps :)
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