Im on it woo hoo, you go girl right i shall keep everyone updated i feel so important, go emmie
uPDATE 1: Emmie is now in the hospital, she was 5cms dialated at 10pm and is still only using the tens machine, come on girly you can do it
Blake Ashton was born at 7.44 this morning by forcepts weighing in at 8lbs 2 oz, emmie did it all with no drugs or anything, congrats emmie you did so well
uPDATE 1: Emmie is now in the hospital, she was 5cms dialated at 10pm and is still only using the tens machine, come on girly you can do it
Blake Ashton was born at 7.44 this morning by forcepts weighing in at 8lbs 2 oz, emmie did it all with no drugs or anything, congrats emmie you did so well