Elliot lee 20/3 birth story


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Ok so thought id finally post my birth story as its quite positive and I know some of you are worried.
The timings are a bit hazy now but ill try my best.

So a week before he was born I started with mild cramps and they continued on and off until the day before my due date when it all stopped. Due date came and went pain free and then the day after at about 6 am I got up with cramps and knew it was the start by 9 am it got more regular so I called in the babysitter just to be safe. I pottered around the house getting more pains more often by 1 am I was getting regular painful contractions and phoned hospital scared and upset, went and got checked only 2 cm omg I didnt believe it she did a sweep and I got into pool and everything stopped so decided im going home. As soon as I got in car to come home the pain started again, went home sent oh to get some sleep and I sat in bath. 4:00 got oh up and he said call a taxi so off we went got to hospital 4:15. mw checked only 5cm so I cried I cant go another 5 cm in this pain, mw said he was facing wrong way too. A few min later he turned right way I felt a bit less pressure and waters were " bulging" mw broke them as baby had pooed luckily the wrong kind of poo so lo was fine. Mw said if yoh need to push then try it to which I replied how can I go from 5cm to pushing so fast. She then stopped the pool running and said it is less than half full I wont have time for it. Then at 5 my lo was born I had the gas and air but didnt use it as it didnt help I felt everything but it was an amazing experience and I was so alert without drugs. I only had a slight graze so no stitches and we were on out way home a few hours later. She never did explain how it could change so fast. Elliot lee was perfect weighing 7lb 4.

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