Ebay: Feedback


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I bought some lilac cellular blankets off ebay a few weeks ago. I also bought some lilac cot sheets because all the bedding we have got is LILAC or white.

Instead of sending me the cellular blankets in the first place the seller sent me fleecy blankets. I emailed them saying that although it wasn't what I ordered I wouldn't leave neg. feedback provided they could send me some cellular blankets at the same price. The lady was very apologeti and said that there was no need to send the others back- they would send the blankets out to me at no extra cost...

TODAY... 10 days later... I have recieved AQUA cellular blankets in the post :roll:

I don't know what to do- I can't be arsed to go through another 2 weeks of waiting for the blankets to arrive but at the same time I don't want to leave positive feedback when, 3 weeks after I bought them, I still haven't recieved the right item!

Should I leave 'neutral' feedback or just not leave feedback at all?
When things like that happen to me I just dont leave any feedback at all and I contact the seller to tell them why I'm not leaving feedback :wink:
Toughie cos you did get something for free and they did apologise...

Personally I'd keep the stuff and make a use for the Aqua ones somehow, either as swaddling blankets or cot blankets or something, or give to a relative to have at their house for spares? The fleece ones will come in handy at points too so at least that saves you something to buy when it gets colder.

I'd just not leave any to be honest. Or you can contact the seller again..

But personally, I'd leave it and just buy some lilac from somewhere else and accept the freebie. I know it's not right of them, and it's annoying, but that's just what I'd do.
Aqua ones sound lovely! I agree with Michelle though, you did get the others for free so make the blankets come to use as the fleecy ones you will need when its cold!

WELL, I emailed the seller saying I wasn't going to leave any feedback but I appreciated that she had tried by sending the aqua blankets free. She emailed me back straight away apologising and this morning in the post I have recieved 2 LILAC cellular blankets! FREE! :dance:

My aunt had a baby on Wednesday so we have given the Aqua ones to her as a pressie :shhh:

:wink: And I left positive feedback! :lol:
oo you shud let us no who the seller is incase the same happens ;).

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