early labour...


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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I have had a crazy week!! Not really sure where to start!

contractions have been on and off all week, sometimes getting really intense and close together, but always dying down after a few hours. some of them got to about 5 mins apart! but all false alarms. I did lose my plug though!

then Friday I suddenly got a splitting headache and my sight went in my left eye. I called the maternity unit and the mw there told me she wanted me to go to a&e cause she didnt think it would be pregnancy related. I wasnt too happy about it because my midwife had stressed any headaches and i needed to be checked out straight away to rule out pre eclamsia, but i went.

at a & e i was seen by a nurse pretty quickly, who did my bp and sample. my blood pressure wasnt high, but its usually between 50 and 60, and it was 80, an she found i had protein in my urine, so she wanted to get me to maternity and said she would call them. I was left waiting for about 30 mins, and she came back and said they wouldnt see me until i had been checked by a dr.

I then had to wait to see the dr, who did pretty much the same as the nurse with just a few more questions, and said because of the risk of pre eclamsia she would send me to maternity. she then left to call them, and I was waiting for about 45 mins until she came back with a neurology consultant. maternity still didnt want to see me and wanted to make sure it wasnt a problem with my brain! so I was sent for a CT scan. at almost 39 weeks pregnant, with symptoms of pre eclmasia, I was being sent for a CT scan before being checked for pre eclamsia, despite the risks of radiation to baby too!

I was then left to wait again, and started having contractions. not very stroing at first and about 10 ins apart, but they started getting stronger and closer together. when I was taken to get my scan done, I told the dr and she said shed get me up to maternity as soon as possible.

I had my scan, then had to wait for the results. the contractions were coming every 3 mins by this point and were painful, making it difficult to talk. after half an hour, david went to find the dr to see what was going on. she hadnt realised i was still waiting, and said she would go get my results now. we were still waiting 40 mins later, so david went again and my dr was no where to be found. her shift had finished and nobody was aware of my case or that I was waiting. a dr finally came to tell me my scan was clear, so i was going to maternity to be tested for pre eclmasia and to be monitered overnight. but the contractions were still every 3 mins and horrible, so i was wheeled up to maternity urgently by a nurse.

when we got to the ward i was supposed to be going to, nobody was aware of my case, and the midwife tried to send me home, so between us me and david explained what had happened. eventually she agreed to do the tests, but said i wouldnt be staying overnight, and because of visiting hours being over, david had to leave, even though i was contracting. I no, he will go and get my hospital bag and come back.

david went and the mw left me, and i was alone for another half an hour, still contracting. another mw found me, luckily the last had gone home as shifts had changed. I managed to explain to this mw the situation between contractiosn. she was horrified at the way i had been treated, and got me on to a monitor, my bloods done for pre eclmasia, and an internal. she found i was 2 cms dialated and 50% effaced. I then had to wait for david to come back and my results, and while i was waiting the mw was great and made me as comfortable and as settled as possible, but the contractions started dying down until they were much weaker and only 20 mins apart. my tests for pre eclmasia were clear,and they monitereed me overnight, but my contractions stayed at around 20-30 mins apart, varying in intensity, so i went home saturday afternoon. Im still having them, and they got bad again for a few hours last night, but the MW said i was in early labour and just have to wait. she thinks the baby will be here by the end of the week though!

I really dont want to be in early labour like this for long though, im tired as its difficult to sleep and frustrated!!! has anyone else had anything similar?

sorry thats so long!!

x x x
What a horrible time you have had, sounds like baby may be making an early arrival, how are things today?xx

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