Early Braxton Hicks!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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For around a week now on the odd day i have had a feeling of tightness in my lower tummy, because i'm already a mum i noticed that it felt like Braxton hicks but thought it couldnt possibly be those so early on but...i have just been on a site on the net which says braxton hicks can start from as early as 6 weeks but most people wont feel them until the start of tri 2! Lots of things can kick them off, one in particular...caffeine...just had a coke and they came on :eh: anyone else experienced em so early? xx
I had a coke the other night and got cramps, but I assumed it was actually my bowels as I'd just had a chippy and haven't had one for ages. Would be weird if it was, I thought they only happened much later!
Have had tummy tightenings I just stand there rubbing my belly like I'm 6 months pregnant lol x its funny x

Never thought of them as hicks so early one but hey x
My tummy's been quite painful at times! I didn't realise it could be braxton hicks. I don't remember having them before. I thought I was having them once on the day I was induced but it turned out I was in labour!!!
Ahh thank God its not just me haha!
i remember the feeling oh so well thats what made me think and look it up, its the weirdest of feelings and yeah misscrazycooki i do the same, i was laid on the sofa last night rubbing away, i think sometimes when i have over done it it happens as well so i think i might start taking it as a sign to have a chill out day...any excuse anyway :lol: xx

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