Due Today


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Well ladies looks like i'll be joining Melio in the waiting game. Had mw today and she said all was well - although babe has gone from 3/5 to 4/5 its not unusual! She wouldn't give me sweep as she said you have to 5 days over:shakehead: but after a little persuading she agreed to 3:dance: which will be sunday - so fingers crossed that something happens before then but with my track record i'm doubting it!
Hope you ladies are all well x
aaawww, good luck hun :) hope you don't have to wait too long xx
ar sorry 2 hear that eva jo. at least u can be suppoet for each other ay. x
This is just no good!! Howay man lasses, get popping sprogs :rofl: xx
Good luck! I can't understand them not doing sweeps until then, as long as your cervix is soft and starting to dilate then its fine as long as baby has the head down and in the right place which at 40 weeks is highly probable :)
I was told 40 weeks on the dot would be fine, they were even talking about starting them 2 weeks ago until my bp stabilised, although I guess it might not have been favourable at that point anyway (no-one bothered to check lol!)

Happy due date though Evajo, hopefully your LO won't keep you waiting too long :)
Yep happy due date evajo. Hope the wait isn't too long now.
I've been reading the hypnobirthing book and it says we should pay little attention to an actual due date. It also suggests adding 15 days on for a 1st baby and 10 days on for subsequent babies :x
I know the feeling when you reach the magic number and nothing has happened :shakehead: Good Luck ladies, hope your babies are as patient and calm when theyre here :dance:
Yay! Another one in the waiting game! As sadistic as it is...its nice to know Im not the only one waiting :) Althought kiwi is about 5 days over herself.

Although I dont with you over a week of waiting like I am. Really hope your LO starts to make things happen for you soon! :D
^^^ I've read that too. In France i was told they work out due dates differently and go a week over our dates here - so could depend on where you live! My other three were overdue by 9, 10 and 16 days so i'm not too worried, won't panic till next thursay and the ten days creap up. Apparantly they offer induction at ten days now although you can refuse, but once i get to 14 i will HAVE to go to city hospitol which isn't good as i have home birth planned
They offer induction at 10 days?! Mine wont offer you one until 14!!! Im not even seeing a midwife until tuesday :( I said I wanted another sweep before my induction, as my last one was at 40+6 and apparently they work better the later you are, and was told if they havnt worked after 2 they probably wont. I had to say no, id like another sweep please. Shes going to try see me tomorrow or monday but tuesday is more the likely say. I think its awful that my last appointment was tuesday and at this late stage i have to wait until the day before my induction before seeing someone again.
That doesn't sound good does it - she said they will sweep me every three days! I know the policy has just changed in our area and even as little as a month ago it was 14 days - know someone who works on the inside! I would be really tempted to ring and ask to be booked in for one tomorrow - it can't hurt to ask and you may get another mw who is more willing! Youw ould have thought they would be more willing as an internal is cheaper, quicker and far more safe than induction - doesn't make sense!
Happy Due date!! :yay: Hope baby doesn't keep you waiting TOO long :) x
happy due date! Hope youre not finding things too frustrating! I also read about not focusing on your due date and instead considering it your birthing month/time. Did I pay any attention?! nope! Its far too much fun counting the days!! :rofl:

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