Due date


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
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Hi Girls
I'm so happy to be here! !!!! :D :D
Just wandering how to work out my Due date
My last AF was 10th February but I Ovulated CD 18 my cycles are 31 days ....I'm confused as some sites my due date is 20th November some sites it's 15th

You can go to baby bounty and do thier due date calculator, i think the calculator is based on when ur last period was, which is what doctors go by X. X
And congrats hope u have a h&h nine months X. X
You just have to go by your last period date for now as this is what your midwife will use until your dating scan, that's when you'll get your actual due date.
Congratulations x
Hi Gail

As the girls have says you can work it out via LMP. I know mine from OV and implant date but then I didnt actually use this date because the MW/GP go as your LMP date. I used the NHS calculator.

Baby will grow at its own rate until 12w scan and you can get definite measurements and a date to go by. Because Ive not long booked in I have a section in my notes that says EDD then after I go my scan it theres another bit they fill in with agreed due date.

Ahh Clover I'm due 15th so we could be the same time :) xx
Yay!!! Welcome Clover. Congrats. Yup as the ladies have said, go by the first day of your last period till your dating scan.

Lou xxx
I tried to explain to the dr that I knew I ov'd later but she insisted on going from LMP and the baby was exactly that size at my 13 week scan and I was expecting to be put back about 5-6 days x
Well I may be leaving Tri 1 even before ive started as I've just tested after a 3 hour hold and it's a BFN :(

My last period was the 15th Feb and my EDD is the 20th Nov. So I'd say yours would be the 15th! Congratulations.
I wouldnt worry too much about testing in the early days - it wouldnt go straight to a BFN without any bleeding or passing of anything..

Remember how many days I tested for examining lines, also I ended up got better readings in the evening after like a 5h hold!

Id say youv got a 2-3 and very decent lines on a FRER. Try not to worry.

Oh my god Clover I'm so happy for you!!!!!! Congratulations xxxx

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