Due date(s)


Mar 28, 2005
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Hey all,

Just signed up, I've got two different due dates - according to my LMP, Sep 23rd, but according to 12week scan, Sep 16th...so I'm preparing for anytime in September!

Eshka (16 wks tomorrow)
hey how you doing, im also due 16th sept, are you excited? ive been shopping for clothes and things already, getting very tired quickly now though, how are you feeling?

Hey Eshka i'm due on the 13th september so pretty close too, its creeping up fast now don't you think.. i'm starting to get really nervous. sure we'll all be fine xx
i am supposed to be due 12th september buthave been told that baby is size for 36 weeks so now not so sure go for a scan on thursday
I know how ya feel tommy at my midwifes apptmnt yesterday they said that i was measuring for 33 wks, but because its only 2 wks out they aren't going to change my due date, i'm feelin well confused now :?: What date do i go by now?
hey im due 5th sept, getting quite nervous now that time is drawing closer
hi im due on the 29th but at my 28-29 week appointment they said i was nearly 3cm too small so am goin to get checked out next week see if hes caught up. hopin hes just guna b a small baby coz im only little myself!!
i am due sep 23rd and getting very nervous keep thinking if ill be able to cope with a baby being totally dependent on me espeically as i am only 17 and i am still quite dependent on my parents - i am quite worried ill be having a big baby but my midwife said if it looks like i am they will induce me due to my age - which means i could have my baby even sooner argh.

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