Dreading Our Next Trip To The Vets


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2013
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First of all, please do not judge! We've made this decision based on our dog not on the fact we're having a baby!

It's unfortunately coming close to the time when we take our beloved doggy for his final journey to the vets. The poor lad has arthritis bad in his his legs, has little control over his bladder & looks miserable 90% of the time. There's also a possibility he's going senile. He's still eating & still likes to go out but this is the only time we see life in him.

We tried tablets to help with his joints & he's been on the max dosage of medicine for his bladder. I think the only reason he's still with us is because we're being a bit selfish & can bear to make this awful decision.

The thing is, he hates the vets! I just know when we take him he'll get some life in him & try & pull is back out the door. His tail will be between his legs, hair will shed & his eyes will say more than he ever could. This would be difficult to do at the best of times, never mind being 8mth pregnant!!

The vets will obviously know why we've booked him in & I won't be able to ask questions like this over the phone because I will break down. How does it work? Are they likely to keep us waiting? How quick does it take for the injection to take effect? Will it calm him down immediately?

Sorry to ask all these horrible questions but I'm honestly dreading this! xx
You won't have to wait ages, unless there are other people waiting before you obviously, but when it comes to you getting in the room they are very quick and they will let you hold him or stroke him whilst he goes. It takes effect pretty quickly - a few minutes I'd say. I'd take some treats for him and maybe his favourite toy or something too - it might help him feel a bit more relaxed but they just seem to know they are at the vets as soon as they get out the car - my dog hates it too!

If it's any consolation, you are doing the right thing. I know a woman that had three dogs and she treated them like children (she always wanted kids but never had any), the oldest had multiple strokes and just wasn't coping very well with life afterwards - he'd go in the sea when they went for a walk down the beach and he wouldn't be able to get out cos everytime he turned around his back end would just collapse and she kept him clinging on for years, I always used to hate hearing stories about him as it just made me feel so so bad for him. I've had to make hard decisions regarding my dogs before and I always just want them to have a reasonable end of life rather than a truly miserable one that shows no signs of improvement.

It will be hard but he'll have lots of fun in doggy heaven, I'm sure. You're being very brave, I have never been able to go myself, I've always had to send my dad and say goodbye at home as I'd just find it far too hard :(.

EDIT: Read back and I sound like I do it on a regular basis ha! I have had to do it with my own dog that I got as a birthday present when I was 10 and also with a family pet that I grew up with and he was my best friend.
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Thank you for your kind words! And more so for your advice!

It's been a really difficult decision to make. I think made slightly harder by the fact baby is due next month and I'm worried people who don't see the dog lately will think that we're doing it because of the baby and we're not!

I just keep thinking if that was me, I'd want to be put to sleep. I'm sure if he could speak he would tell me he's had enough. Its absolutely horrible isn't it?

It really breaks my heart :( and I'm absolutely gutted that my baby will not grow up with him!

Thank you again xx
We lost our 2 border collies within 6 months of each other. They were 14 and 15.
I'm not going to lie, it's hard and it's horrible. But sometimes they've just had enough, you know? I think they hold on for us.
Massive hugs. Wish pets could live a hell of a lot longer xx
I totally know what you mean iWitch. My springer spaniel that I had got for a birthday, for the last month or so of her life she would eat like she was absolutely starving and sometimes passed blood, and it turned out that her stomach lining was being stripped, ugh, I was actually away when she got really ill but I remember my mum phoning and saying that she had just laid in her bed and looked at her with such sad eyes, almost begging her to make it stop so I had to make the decision over the phone and it was so awful going home and not having her greet me at the door :(. It'll be hard to get used to and I definitely wouldn't worry what other people think! Those that are close enough to you will know or understand and those that don't are just judgemental and closed minded!
Aww sweetie :hug:

I'm so sorry. Its such a sad time.

If your dog is frightened at the vets could you discuss a home euthanasia with them? He might be more comfortable at home and more relaxed. Could your partner talk to them if you find it too difficukt?

He can be given a sedative before hand to keep him calm. The process itself is very quick- it only takes a few seconds once the injection is given for them to slip away peacefully. It can be a very gentle and dignified passing and it really is an honour for us to be able to make the decision to do it.

I work in animal rescue so euthanasia is a sad part of the job that I do. Please pm me if you want to talk further.

Also, if you go to the blue cross website there will be the contact details for the pet bereavement support service. Its set up specifically to help people who have lost a pet.


Thank you all so much for your support!

Sax has provided similar advice to Emily so we will definitely be asking about a home visit. Taking him to the vets has always been stressful for him and I want to avoid him getting in a state (as well as us!)

I'm sat here welling up just thinking about it xx
Aw I'm sure they'll have no reason not to come to your home. My collie was put down at home and I'm very glad that he was surrounded by everyone and in his own environment.
:hugs: wanted to send a hug and I was going to suggest you ask the vet to come to your home too, they are usually very good about that sort of thing.xxx
Its not easy but its for the best, I had to take my childhood dog a couple of years ago because she collapsed, she was 15, and it turned out she had cancer in her lynphnodes and would go into cardiac arrest if we took her home. (we had her lynphnodes checked before but due to her age they said it wasn't worth putting her through operations to examine/remove them). They brought her in with a canular in, we stroked her they injected her and she just went to sleep. It was over very quickly. They said we could have time with her but I wanted out of there tbh. Its hard but its for the best dogs don't show pain like we do, they hide it, dogs don't even cry during labour, so imagine how much pain she was in. Sorry its so hard xx
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, two months ago today we got our 12yr old german shepherd put to sleep but he was in so much pain they had to come to our house to do it. It was incredible how in the space of a week he just deteriorated, he went from acting like a 12 month old pup to barely being able to lift his head. It was so hard at the time but afterwards I felt a sense of relief for him because I knew he was just miserable and I still have my days where I sit and think about him and just burst into tears, but I know we did the right thing. I wish you the best x
so sorry to hear about this :(

Just wanted to add - most vets will come out to him if thats what you would prefer?
I am so sorry you are going to have to go through this....it truly is horrible. But you are doing the right thing, dogs never complain as they always want to please us.

If I think about having my dog pts now I still well up and that was 13 years ago!

thinking of you.....
Maybe you could use the fact you're so heavily pregnant as an additional reason for them coming out to the house? That it'll be stressful enough for him as he hates the vets, etc but you're also pregnant so could they consider coming out to make the whole thing as easy as it possibly can be for everyone? It's so sad saying goodbye to a much loved pet. So very sad. Take care xx
So we've been a bit selfish & put it off :( but this week we've realised this & home visit is booked for Friday. I've been looking forward to friday for ages as it's my last day at work & now I'm dreading it arriving xx
You're doing the right thing honey. It's so sad, but better than letting them suffer any longer. Definitely for the best xx
Oh no :(. Will be thinking of you on Friday. You're being very brave!

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