Dramatic weight loss


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2014
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Hi ladies

Iv had a pretty rubbish week starting with being admitted with threatened preterm labour. I was having contractions and I had a positive fibronectin test.

Since being in hospital my appetite had gone, I feel sick all the time and I get shakey and dizzy. I told my midwife but she just said keep trying to eat!

My main concern is I have lost 7lb in 1 week. I am having 3 meals a day as normal but I'm just not eating many snacks. I'm just wondering if I should be worried about such a quick weight loss!

Thanks ladies
I was feeling hellish the other week like you say above and had no appetite and generally feeling rubbish. I got a blood test done and found out I was anaemic so it may be worth asking about this or at least trying to eat lots of red meat and leafy veg. I found after a few days on iron supplements I had more energy and felt better than I had in weeks! X
My bloods were boarder line so they gave me them to top me up! My hb was 10.8 so I have been taking them for a few days so hopefully I should feel better soon. The hospital said I didn't need them but my midwife said take them as it won't do me any harm!
Could it be GD? Diabetes can cause sudden/rapid weight loss and the shaky feeling could be due to your blood sugars. Maybe mention it to your midwife?
I did think it was GD but when I asked the midwife she said if I had glucose in my urine then she would be worried. I'm not at high risk apparently so I don't get screened xx

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