Drained energy!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Can anyone else just be assed lately? Just got no energy what so ever, got lots to do aswell.
An if i'm stood up too long i feel sick an faint an light headed. So its really bad when im in a queue somewhere. Does anyone know anything tht will help or should i ask my midwife today?
Its worth a mention hun, I get very dizzy sometimes but its usually when I need sugar/food i've found out after trying alsorts. Hope your feeling better soon x :hug:
I find that most days I can't be ar*sed tbh

I seem to get so tired by about dinner time that when I get home from work I just collapse on the sofa and eat minstrels :D
Not meaning to preach young lady, but Im sure I have just read on another thread that you havent eaten anything yet today. :?

You will feel tired and have no energy if your not eating properly my dear. You should eat sommat - even if its just some fruit - to help keep your energy levels up and keep you and bubs healthy.
I eat alot lol!
i eat way too much actualy, all healthy stuff apart from the odd packet of crisps or a fizzy drink, havnt been up long, bout an hour.
Ok sorry - just being the concerned parental type figure then for a second!!
Your bubs may just be having a growth spurt and draining you of energy. Id have a chat to the midwife about it though for your own piece of mind.
Hehe its reet =]
I do eat alot so i don't think its anything to do with that?
i cant eat first thing in mornings when i've woken up, if i do i bring it back up. So i think i'll ask my midwife today, last midwife appointment i had she said i was low in iron, could that have anything to do with it?
yeah definitely - anaemia (low in iron) makes you REALLY tired. YOu should get some iron tablets pronto cos it can affect the babys growth as well.

God listen to me, I sound like a right mother hen today dont I?!! Must be because Im still in me big pink fluffy dressing gown. Although Im starting to look more like Mr Blobby in it than a mum!!! :rotfl:
I may invest in some new pjs soon! mine are gettin too tight haha an i like my pjs baggy dammit >.<
Im with you! Cant wait for my 20 week scan cos im convinced Im further gone than they have me down as cos my belly is huge! Either that or there is more than one in there and he was hiding on the 1st scan!!! :shock:
I've been feeling like a zombie for weeks too. Found out last week that I'm anaemic so on extra iron tablets, but they haven't kicked in yet. Also I have what seems like a head cold which is making me feel worse. All I want to do is go to bed, but I can't take any more time off work, so I will just have to suffer and try to rest in the evenings.

Definitely get yourself checked out in case you are anaemic. If the MW had said you were low in iron, she should have got a doctor to prescribe some tablets for you or at least get you to have a blood test. Then the doctors would have automatically sorted you a prescription to pick up if the results came back positive for anaemia.

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