Double Buggy


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Ok ladies talk to me about double buggies!!! My son is going to be 20 months when number 2 comes along, will I need a double buggy? I must admit I'm not really a fan of any I've seen but haven't looked into it. Would I be able to get away with single buggy and carrier?

Any advice much appreciated xxx
Single buggy & carrier is definitely doable if that's what you want to go for.

I have a 19 month gap between mine & have used double buggy fairly regularly, baby prefers carrycot of pram to carrier generally. We gave an uppababy vista 2015 & it's been fab. It is heavy & large but it is designed for 2 little ones so to be expected really. It pushes much better than my silver cross wayfarer did. The adaptors seem like a faff at first but once you're used to them it's really quick.

It's also a really nice looking pram, I always get compliments on it when I am out with them both x
I think if my LO werent independently walking everywhere Id be opting for the buggy and carrier, at least for a few months then hopefully first LO will be walking, you could even invest in a buggy board for him when he gets tired?

We've got an easy X rider seat for my son (19 months when Daisy came) for stuff like supermarket he goes in he trolley and I carry the baby. He's a good walker so didn't really see a lot of point in getting a double when our original pram was so expensive!
My daughter is 23 months and walks really well, but we still have to take her pushchair with us most places because she gets tired and can't always make it home; so I would think with a 20 month old you are either going to need a double or you are going to need to carry your newborn and take the pushchair for your toddler at least at first.

We have just bought a buggy board to get our daughter used to using it and to give us an idea of whether she will be happy to just ride home on that if she gets tired, so we can take baby in pram (she will be 27 months when baby comes). We have a wrap and a carrier for if we think she will still need the pushchair when baby comes. We will have to decide before we leave the house though as our travel system is either pushchair or pram so can't be used by both kids on the same outing. Really hoping to avoid buying a tandem/double.
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My eldest was 30 months and walking everywhere so I just got a big pram, but as soon as the baby came my toddler decided to regress and would either try to run off/not walk holding the pram etc, or would decide they were tired and refuse to walk. So very early on I found it was easier to carry my baby in the sling and put my toddler in the stroller . This worked well and by the time the toddler was 3 they were walking everywhere again, but by then I was in love with my wraps so continued to carry the baby and didn't bother with a pram lol.

This time I'm not buying a pram (kids are older now at 9 and 11 and I sold the prams and strollers ages ago).

If I had a toddler though I wouldn't bother with a double pram, just stick to slings for the baby and a stroller or light-weight buggy for the toddler.

If you have a stroller/buggy that is suitable from birth, you can always get a sling and alternate them too (either carry the baby and push the toddler, or if the toddler is wanting to get out and walk the baby could then go in the buggy for a bit).

Also, I even back-carried my youngest until she was 3, so that would be another option for you.
My daughter will be 2 years 8 months when baby arrives and she's not great at walking far so am looking at buying a sling for baby for the first few months until Harper is more confident walking and will continue using the stroller. I cant really justify buying a double when it could only be a matter of weeks or months that it could be used for x
Brilliant, thanks for all the advice. Think I'll just keep my silver cross buggy and put baby in the carrier as my son didn't really like being in the bassinet anyway he much preferred being carried. Xx
I'm asking myself hear questionsyaeld will be 24 months when baby comes but he's an unruly child lol (kidding, he just doesn't stand still) soy plan is to look at Both the Hauck tandems
I'm looking at the bugaboo donkey duo. It's expensive but it will turn into a single pushchair once my lil one wants to walk. It come with a pram bit and toddler seat with it. This is the one I'm on about. We are planning on going on the repayment plan to pay for it uploadfromtaptalk1455263983135.jpg
I have just brought my bugaboo donkey and I love it. I'm not due for another 7/8 weeks but I can use it now in mono with my 1 year old

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