doppler argh!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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hey ladies!

well we have had the "summer prenatal heart listening system" from tesco for a few months now and im 6 months gone and it still dont work to find baba's heartbeat!! :wall: all i can ever hear is swishing, which i think is blood flow or my dinner lol!!

its really annoying cos i just wanna hear my wee man's heart, would be really reassuring. can anyone recommend a doppler that is really good and clear?think i might have a BBQ on this one as its cr*p!!!!!!!!

rant over heheh! :oops:
Hi Claire,

I ordered this one from ebay on monday and it's fab! It arrived yesterday morning and found the heartbeat straight away, was amazing! I'm only 14 weeks so you should definitely be able to pick the heartbeat up I should imagine.

I'd already bought this one but it'll be joining your tesco one on the BBQ! prenatal listening amplifier rather than a doppler, can hear my bowels and the traffic outside being amplified but that's about it! Waste of pennies.

Hope this helps and you get to hear LO's heartbeat soon!

Sarah x
hey peanut! noticed we have the same baby on our tickers! bless. :D
I've got the Hi Bebe one as per link below. It is more expensive than others, but it picked up our baby's heartbeat from 11 weeks when I bought it. I always find the heartbeat within seconds and you can hear the kicks too. Woudl really recommend it especially as it will last for our future babies too. ... dZViewItem

L xx
Hmm, I'm disappointed because I think I bought the wrong Angelsounds one! :(

I know its too early for me to hear anything but I had been hopeful, its a shame its not what I thought. :doh:

My fault for not reading the difference!
Claire if you put it on your chest can you hear your heatbeat?
Havent seen that doppler you have is it like Angelsounds (Get a large head so to speak) or like a pen?
Generally speaking the pen ones are the best arent they ? Iv got the mad baby one and its great !!!
I bought a medcial doppler it was fab, it was better than my midwives lol. I loved being able to listen to Thea whenever i wanted to.
the one i have is the summer one from tesco and argos, it looks like the angelsounds one but has blue on it. ordered the angelsounds one yesterday from ebay so i shall let u know when it arrives, and if i can hear bubs on it!!! :cheer: x x x
Wow my angelsounds one came this morning, i only ordered it yesterday, now i have to hide it coz its too early to listen to my sinclair....
im now an addict!! it came in the post yesterday and i cant stop listening to bub's heartbeat!!!!!!!!!! :dance: im so chuffed! thankyou girls, this is the best doppler ever!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I gave my one to a friend because I couldn't even hear the baby's heartbeat in the laters stages of pregnancy!

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