Don't use Perfectly Happy People


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Ordered some things from there and wondered why we hadn't got a despatched email. Logged on and they needed credit card confirmation.
Phoned and sorted this, they admitted to being at fault.

Stuff still hadn't been sent so DH called and was on phone for nearly 20 mins and they told him that they allow themselves up to 28 days for despatching items that are ordered from their website.

We really need some of the items fast as they include a head rest and support for Ella to help with her flat head. These items were instock and there is no reason for them not to despatch them ASAP.

They're crap!
That's pants I'd cancel the order...

I hate companies like that :twisted:
They have funny looking babies in the catalogue too :shock:

Bloody pain in the arse - I would have cancelled my order! x
We would have but we can't find one of these head things for Ella anywhere else.

The order arrived this morning (at 7am!) and just to say they did put a really nice free gift in of a large musical winnie the pooh cuddly toy - so that was good of them.
Cool :dance: was the free gift because you complained?
Kim said:
Cool :dance: was the free gift because you complained?

Yup. Well DH did :oops: It's for sale for £14.99 on their site. He must have moaned a lot!
Hi Kina

How is Ella's head? I think Olivia is developing a flat patch on the back of her head :(

Out of interest do you think mattress type has anything to do with it?

Lucy x
How is Ella's head?

Not good :( Had to take her chiro yesterday and she's got another 3 appointments over the next week (tomorrow, Saturday and next Tuesday). She's got tight neck muscles which is why she lies like she does.

I've bought a love nest which might help you Lucy. The only place I could find to buy them was PHP. Basically it's a cushion to help prevent their head becoming flat at the back - it's like a heart shape with a hole, bit like a doughnut iykwim. If only I'd known about the different support cushions weeks ago I think that would have helped the flatness.
Thanks for the info guys, I'll look into it.

There's a wee girl at my post natal group and I was quite taken aback but the flatness to her head at the back and don't want Olivia's to end up like that - altough the HV just said to her mum who was asking about it "if you shaved your head you'd find it was all lumpy and bumpy" but this wee girl's head is like a triangle :shock:

Is Ella sleeping ok with the new cushion Kina?

Lucy x
Sounds like my HV!! :wall:

Is Ella sleeping ok with the new cushion Kina?

Well we haven't tried her yet as we cant work it out :oops: But at the moment she is the other way round in her cot so she does hold her head a bit better as its near the light iykwim

We use the lovenest for when we change her nappy etc, here is their website but you can't get them from there afaik

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