Does Anyone Have Different Ovulation Times Different Every Month???


Oct 24, 2011
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I've been worried about my Cycles every month. I've been doing my Body Temp (BBT) every morning at 7am I started tracking in September where I thought everything was normal and ovulated on day 14. October came and I Ovulated day 31... Decemeber came and I Ovulated day 12....
Now Jan is here I've not ovulated and on day 18 .....

Is this normal?? I've been Trying to Conceive for 7months and Doctors keep sending me away saying they wont help me until have been trying a year.

But this is really getting me down and I dont know what is causing this to happen. I'm not under stress or anything like that.... I feel so helpless and a failure as a woman. Doctors say it will just become hard for me to conceive because I have a female partner and using donor sperm..... so every month I try once or twice because of work commitments.

Can Anyone help ????
hi, the day in each cycle that you ovulate can vary - as you ov on quite varied days each cycle does that mean your cycles are quite irregular too??

i think the positive is is that you are ovulating! it must be very difficult getting timing right with donor sperm but in my opinion its no differnt from any straight couple trying to concieve -think about it, if you get a deposit of semen in your vagina - from AI or from sex as long as it is at the right time regarding ov it doesnt matter how the semen got there?!?! i would go back to your doc, ask for a 21day check and general blood work up just to check all is well. (the 21day test must be done on 7dpo not day 21 - name of test is contradictory - this will confirm progesteron is at high enough level post ov).

looking at your dec chart - your post ov temps look good and your leutal phase is a good length. some ppl take longer than other to get pg, im now cycle 8 and have ov every month. dont panic, you are doing all the right things!
hi, the day in each cycle that you ovulate can vary - as you ov on quite varied days each cycle does that mean your cycles are quite irregular too??

i think the positive is is that you are ovulating! it must be very difficult getting timing right with donor sperm but in my opinion its no differnt from any straight couple trying to concieve -think about it, if you get a deposit of semen in your vagina - from AI or from sex as long as it is at the right time regarding ov it doesnt matter how the semen got there?!?! i would go back to your doc, ask for a 21day check and general blood work up just to check all is well. (the 21day test must be done on 7dpo not day 21 - name of test is contradictory - this will confirm progesteron is at high enough level post ov).

looking at your dec chart - your post ov temps look good and your leutal phase is a good length. some ppl take longer than other to get pg, im now cycle 8 and have ov every month. dont panic, you are doing all the right things!

Yea its a little difficult my donor lives about 1hr away so having to stop over night in a hotel. I completely missed novembers period coz didnt ovulation untill day 31... its very much up and down not knowing when the next time im gonna ovulate. I'm not sure if its normal or not. Ive notice more pain in my periods n when suspected ovulation i get cramping, theyheavy periods and mood swings i feel like a different person... I dont feel normal at all....

Hope ur ok and thanks for being positive x
look through some of the threads on here, maybe you could try agnus castus to regulate your cycle etc good luck.

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