Does anybody else's symptoms...


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
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Stop and start at roughly same time everyday. It's so strange, I don't remember this with my first. One minute I think the worst then they come back again x
My boobs have stopped hurting except at certain times of the day and mainly at night!

I am 10w 5d now and symptoms are starting to die off x
Mine are fine in the morning and night but hurt in the afternoon. Sickness the same up until last night. I was in agony all night long, docs today to hopefully find out what's going on x
My sickness died off a bit but I was feeling it a bit this morning and last night, also had some bouts of diarrhea too (sorry tmi)!!
I've had some structure in that my nausea has been much worse in the evenings. However now in week 9, I've actually started being sick, and the last 4/5 days have been sick at about 8.30am every morning!!
I haven't been sick at all but still have bleeding gums (delightful) and everything tastes as if it has metal in it too!

My boobs are the main worry for me in that they don't hurt as they did but randomly hurt during the day x
I've been sick as a dog with nausea from when I first tested positive (think Im about 7 weeks now as I misscarried before this) and today it suddenly stopped. It stopped like this the first time so Im just really worried.

Probably being silly, but its so hard not to worry.
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My physical symptoms are quite mild this time round. Maybe because it's the forth?
The only symptoms I still have is a bit of nausea, tiredness and peeing all the time!

According to the midwife, symptoms can drop off between 9-12 weeks for some women!

I am trying not to worry about my boobs not hurting as they are changing and itching! X
I'm starting to appreciate that I know when to expect them so I can prepare myself. Evenings are the worst sickness wise and I'm also having to take gaviscon before bed too. I really hope it eases off soon as I'm finding it hard to look after my DD but I'm only 7 1/2 weeks so still a way to go yet x
I get some indigestion too! Just took a look at my boobs, lol and they are looking almost normal now which does worry me!
Mine look normal in the morning. I think they look and feel worse at night because they have been confined to a bra all day. Try not to worry, they're not meant to hurt constantly and it will also ease off at some point. How far are you? X
I am 11+1 now!

My belly has popped and I'm a bit bloated today and sneezing constantly! X
Then I would def expect your symptoms to be easing off now and bloating is a good sign x
I do worry as I have had 10 previous miscarriages and I don't know what is normal and what isn't as I have never got this far before.

I think I can now feel my uterus above my pelvis and slightly to the left but again I don't know for sure on that x
That's really good you can feel uterus now, I remember with my DD feeling it about 12 weeks. I'm slim so I could feel and see it lol.
So sorry you have had so many losses, im not surprised you're so worried after what you have been through. I had a miscarriage in August and I definitely spend half my time worried and half excited.
Have you had an early scan already? X
I had a scan at 7 weeks and saw the HB and I have been having Intralipid infusions to help with my Natural Killer Cells and help me keep the pregnancy but as I said, I don't know what is normal and what isn't so when things start dropping off, it worries me xx

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