doctors -:'(


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i went to the doctors today and now feel like crying - it was just as check up appointment, where i was to see the nurse and doc, i went in feeling happy healthy and wanting my baby, now all i feel like doing is crying.
when i saw the nurse (1st appointment) by blood pressure was extremely high and my blood sugars were slightly low, so said i had to cut in cue to see doc and even though my blood pressure had come down a lil it was still dangerously high so i have to go bck tomoz and have it taken again and if it still high i have to go to hospital. but the stress is putting my blood pressure up even more and i am starting to get a bit of head ache which the doc said if i got to ring the hospital but i dont know if it is just stress or pre-eclampsia head ache, also my babys heat beat had gone up quite a bit so i dont know if my blood pressure is upsetting my baby, and the baby had dis engaged and as i am 38 weeks tomoz i am worried if everything is ok with me, my baby will still be breech, sorry for rattling just feeling really emotional and have no one to tlk to
sarah and bubba
ah hunny....**hugz**
if uve got a headache u think u should call the hospital its better to be checked than worrying at home... and plus u get the added bonus of them monitoring u so u can out ur mind at rest and listen to baby.
i have been to hospital a couple of times, at first i felt like i was being a pain but they were really nice and reassured me that thats what they were there for! so put ur mind at rest and go or do u have an on call midwife that can come out to you?
Oh honey i feel for you as i had all this with my first

Numerous blood tests for pre eclampsia and in and out of hospital for the last 5 weeks of pregnancy.

The worst they will do is induce you, they did with me, not to worry you but the reason they worry about blood pressure is that it puts immense pressure on your placenta and sometimes it stops working efficiently if it goes too high.

Don't worry honey you are the safest hands, they deal with this everyday.
just an update - i spent the whole day yest in hospital for BP monitering and baby monitering they wanted to keep me in at least over night but had no beds so i had to come home and i had to go back this morning and even though my BP is still up it isnt pre - eclampsia (dont know wot it is) so i ave been sent home with orders to rest and go back for BP monitering this after noon
you can get high blood pressure just because of the late stage of pregnancy and all the pressure your body is under.
i never actually had pre eclampsia either!!!

So frustrating!!

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