Thanks hun. Ignore that post above, blimey! the dr wont think your some crazy person who has spent most of her time on the internet looking up things. What a daft thing to say to someone. I wouldnt be where i am today, if i never mentioned tests that are available, tests that half of the dr's dont think to offer you untill you mention them yourself.
So knowing your stuff is better than knowing feck all, dont feel silly mentioning everything i have said in my post above. With Your age & ttc for 12mths its a must to have the tests i have asked you to mention. Although i did say your doctor would prob mention these to be done anyway.
Is this a gp or fertility doctor. If its a gp appointment then i would suggest just asking to be refared to a fertility clinic, more than likely your gp will do this anyway because they dont really know a lot about conception ttc etc. You can get help if you have been ttc for 12mths, i dont know where the 24mths come into it. Its not like that where i live, & the nhs website on line says 12mths not 24mths, 12mths is a long time ttc so 24mths takes this mick.
I was ttc for nearly 3yrs but i had a low fertility after being really fertile. Goes to show if i had sat back & waited & not pushed for tests or recommend anything then i would still be sat here. Lots of luck hun. xx
P.S. My nhs consultant didnt know about a drug called " gestone", which i have for pregnancy, its a progesterone in injection. He had to get his medicine book out infront of me & dh to see if it excisted.
I would be paying hundreds of pounds each month for this drug if i had listend to my nhs doctor tell me there was no such thing. Now i get it on nhs because i took no crap & he actually felt quite embarrased LOL.