Doctor's questions?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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After 12 months TTC I'm off to see the docs tomorrow. Anyone have any advice on what I should ask for (tests etc) or things to say?

No idea what to ask, but be prepared and don't let them fob you off! :) good luck hun xxx
Hiya. Well first off you want some tests done dont you hun with you ttc for 12mths. So what i would ask for which the dr may suggest anyway is LH, FSH, on cd3 & AMH ovary reverse test to check your fertility range. Also a progesterone test done on cd21 just to see if you do ovulate. Maybe a estridiol test too, a ultrasound scan which you should push on to check your ovarys & womb lining to make sure your lining is not too thin preventing pregnancy, also to check your womb is ok on the ultrasound too.

Deffo a sperm test for your husband, if your having the tests then they will need to check he is ok too. Which is sensible cause why go through all tests etc if its not you who has the problem. Its nice too know anyway, my dh has done one in the past too. Dr may suggest a hsg to check your tubes are not blocked too. Write all what i have suggested down on paper & if he dont mention any of them then hand the note over or read them out. Plenty take notes in incase they forget as its easy to do onec you get in the room you forget things, you get out side & say oh i forgot to ask him this. Goodluck hun. x
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The only advice i can give you is to be strong and dont back down if they dont offer you any tests!! Good luck hun xxx
I don't think coming right out and asking for a string of tests is the best approach because they'll just think that you are one of those crazy people that spend too much time looking for things to worry about on the internet :oooo:

Let them tell you what they think that you need based on your (slightly exaggerated) situation.

Only if they turn out to be a bit useless do you suggest things that might help to tick things off as potential causes - mainly a cd3-5 test, cd 21 test and a semen test for starters.

Also, don't be scared to quote the Nhs guidelines describing as anyone ttc for over 12 months as in need of investigation as some will try to tell you it's 24 months when in fact that is just the time requirement for infertility treatment and not diagnostics xx
Just let them do the talking first, most doctors will say to keep trying, as majority of doctors recommend 2 years of TTC.....Be prepared they may not do any tests at all if that is the case. I remember when we went to ours after the 1st year of TTC and told to carry on, then we went 2 years later after 3 years of TTC and then it took 1 year to find out what was going wrong.We are now into our 5th Year of TTC and no hope.

I would advise you to continue TTC if you know you have no problems as such with yourself or hubby/partner....I know people who have fell pregnant after 1 year of TTC, especially if you are young, but still go to your GP to see what they say

Good Luck and keep us updated

Donna x
Thanks ladies for your valuable input esp NHS guidelines and potential types of tests. I'm 33 & half and DH is 35 so time isn't on our side and I'm not going to let them make me wait around!

I kinda feel there's nothing wrong with me but I am concerned about my partner... anyways, hopefully we will find out. I'll let you know how I get on!

p.s. congrats Star33

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Everyones answered but good luck, hope it goes well, be assertive and maybe add a couple of months too..:whistle:

Hi TC,
Long time no speak, good luck at the docs, hope they get things moving for you. xxxx
Good Luck, think the above girls have given the best advice!!
I'm in exactly the same boat, so thanks for this thread and all the replies. Will let you know how I get on xxx
Thanks hun. Ignore that post above, blimey! the dr wont think your some crazy person who has spent most of her time on the internet looking up things. What a daft thing to say to someone. I wouldnt be where i am today, if i never mentioned tests that are available, tests that half of the dr's dont think to offer you untill you mention them yourself.

So knowing your stuff is better than knowing feck all, dont feel silly mentioning everything i have said in my post above. With Your age & ttc for 12mths its a must to have the tests i have asked you to mention. Although i did say your doctor would prob mention these to be done anyway.

Is this a gp or fertility doctor. If its a gp appointment then i would suggest just asking to be refared to a fertility clinic, more than likely your gp will do this anyway because they dont really know a lot about conception ttc etc. You can get help if you have been ttc for 12mths, i dont know where the 24mths come into it. Its not like that where i live, & the nhs website on line says 12mths not 24mths, 12mths is a long time ttc so 24mths takes this mick.

I was ttc for nearly 3yrs but i had a low fertility after being really fertile. Goes to show if i had sat back & waited & not pushed for tests or recommend anything then i would still be sat here. Lots of luck hun. xx

P.S. My nhs consultant didnt know about a drug called " gestone", which i have for pregnancy, its a progesterone in injection. He had to get his medicine book out infront of me & dh to see if it excisted.

I would be paying hundreds of pounds each month for this drug if i had listend to my nhs doctor tell me there was no such thing. Now i get it on nhs because i took no crap & he actually felt quite embarrased LOL.
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Hey hun, not got any advice apart from what the ladies have said but lovely to see you back, have missed you on PF.

Hope it goes well tomorrow. Xxx
Just wanted to say good luck.

And if you can get GP to refer you get them to do the bloods and sperm test mentioned done too, otherwise they'll be done at your 1st appointment at the clinic (where as if you'd had them done you'd go through results) x
Hi, I hope all goes well at the GP tomorrow tinselcat, and wishing you luck too Mrspc. Kath xx
Hey hun, every nhs works differently, I was also told by my gp that we had to be trying for 2 years before we could be referred to a specialist.

But I was still able to have some tests done, the first things were sperm test for hubby, 21 day blood test to check progesterone levels (to see if your ovulating) and a scan on my ovarys. It was the scan that told me i had pcos.

I didn't have any other form of blood tests after this.

Because of your hubbys age you should be able to get referred straight away, as couple 35+ only need to be trying for 6 months.

I would see what your gp says first then if your not happy start asking for certain tests to be done otherwise you could find it all a little overwhelming. Good luck xxx
Thanks everyone for your lovely supportive comments!

The doctor was fairly straightforward and ordered quite a few tests for both me & hubby, including some ones that weren't even mentioned here! :) I'm on CD 15 so I get to go to a walk-in clinic at the hospital next Monday, and 2 weeks after for the day 2-4 tests. At least now the ball is rolling, so that's a relief :)

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That's good :)

Which extra ones weren't mentioned? xx

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