Had my last appointment before my due date today.
The doctor says that im allr eady to have the baby now cervix is 1 cm, and the clear discharge ive been having is from the cervix opening, so i should have my show any time tonight or the next day or so.
She says she dont think ill go past saturday but made an appointment for monday just in case. Ive got all the numbers i will need to get a hod of her, so yay im so happy taht my times finally coming.
Im not gonna get too excited though just in case i do go over.
Oh is it normal to have a little blood after they check your dialation, I have some visiable on my panty liner btu not enough that i would worry about, it but should i let the doc know an dif any one had it how long should it last for??
Well i guess thats it fo rnow.
Had my last appointment before my due date today.
The doctor says that im allr eady to have the baby now cervix is 1 cm, and the clear discharge ive been having is from the cervix opening, so i should have my show any time tonight or the next day or so.
She says she dont think ill go past saturday but made an appointment for monday just in case. Ive got all the numbers i will need to get a hod of her, so yay im so happy taht my times finally coming.
Im not gonna get too excited though just in case i do go over.
Oh is it normal to have a little blood after they check your dialation, I have some visiable on my panty liner btu not enough that i would worry about, it but should i let the doc know an dif any one had it how long should it last for??
Well i guess thats it fo rnow.