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Do you think I am just being hormonal?

Karate Kid

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
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My maternity leave cover started two weeks ago, she is nice enough but cannot use Excel for toffee and being an accountant I use Excel all day every day.... Not too bothered about that because it is my boses fault for getting someone with less expirience than me, once I go on leave it is technically not my concern.

What is really getting to me is that she keeps going on about how huge I am.... at first I thought she was refering to my bump but she then kept asking me if I was not concerned about how much weight I have gained.

I nearly lost it yesterday.... she asked me how much I weighed before pregnancy and how much I now weigh....

Today she said that she was suprised that they were letting me go full term because I was so big....

I just find the comments and questions inappropriate, I hardly know her and yes I have put on weight but I do not think I have gone overboard (others may disagree). As for my bump I genuinely feel if the midwives do not have an issue with my bump then why should I. I am now just getting fed up of comparing myself to every pregnant woman I see, the ladies in my NCT class are lovely but I am feeling so concious and I find myslef spending my time comaparing my bump to there's rather than enjoying there company.

I am not very quick witted so I have never been able to come up with good replies to these sorts of comments. Plus I cannot figure out if I am just being over sensitive?

Sorry for the moan but I just want to know how you all are dealing with comments.

I am fed up too of the comments! As for what she can and cant do, DONT stress yaself! NOT your problem right? My cover isnt exactly the sharpest tool and she has been learning my job for a couple of months!

Personally if she mentions it again i would just tell her to keep her opinions to herself as she cleary is not qualified to know!

I too have put weight on, to be precise are 2 stone! and still 8 weeks to go! not to mention i'm only 5ft and was a size 8/10 9st pre pregnancy! BUT we all carry differently! I understand we all compare i do the same but hay! f**K it! 8 weeks ish left! may aswell enjoy the rest havent we????!!!

Chin up chick!
I certainly don't think you're being hormonal at all!! She is being completely out of order. I wouldn't dream of saying that even to be best friend!!! The most I said to a friend was about a week before she was due and I hadn't seen her in a while and said "Jennie no offence, but you're massive!" - but that was my best friend who I've known since I was 5 years of age - we both had a chuckle.

Every woman's body changes differently during pregnancy. And whatever shape we get to is something to be proud of - we're growing a baby, and our bodies are coping the way they know how.

I'd suggest either telling her to shut the feck up, or just walking away when she starts talking about your pregnancy - either way hopefully she'll get the message!!
Can u not play her at her own game, be really petty and have a laugh at the same time- pick a fault with her and go on and on and on about it!!
I just tell people that I'm measuring fine and everyone's different. Hate how everyone has an opinion. My DH says I need to toughen up and when people say to me 'look at the size of uou' I should just reply 'I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?!' haven't had the guts to say it yet though!!
Well she just sounds lovely!!!!!

Don't listen to a word she says and just remember all your weight will drop off as you won't have time to rest so no big deal! :lol:

In all honesty though chick it really has nothing to do with anyone else how much weight you've put on. I'm 23 weeks and I'm already measuring at 26/27 weeks so I know I'll be massive but I'm not bothered. I just tell people to shut up when they start going on which is becoming very frequent at the moment!!

Just explain to this lady that if she focused half as much energy on learning her job as she does on worrying about your weight gain then you'd feel much more confident about leaving your job in her hands!!!

Totally pisses me off when people go on about weight gain in pregnancy!

Hi hun, I too dont think you are being hormonal at all. Has she even had children? Some people dont realise how offensive their comments are and I know we've talked on numerous occassions about being public property and everyone having an opinion whilst you're pregnant.

Just remember you are beautiful inside and out, I severely doubt you are massive and as you quite rightly say if there was a problem then your mw would have picked up on it. She's no expert and if she mentions it again just politely say "have you done much research into bump sizes recently".

I personally detect a bit of jealousy and trepidation about the fact that she will have to fill your shoes whislt you are gone and deep down she probably knows she's not up to the job if she cant even use Excel to the same standard and therefore is trying to undermine your confidence by making these comments.

If she continues with the questions, just remind her that comments about your bump or weight are not relevant to the job nor are they appropriate for the environment that you are working in. If she still persists then dont assist her with her Excel shortcomings any more and let her fall on her own. Dreadful thing to say, but you dont need to babysit her. Once she asks for your help then is your opporunity to comment on how can she possibly work in an Accounting role and not know Excel, ask her how much Excel she knew when she started and how much she knows now - play her at her own game.

Its not right hun and you should tell her to shhh her mouth.
Omg what a bitch!!

You're not being hormonal at all, her comments are completely offensive and well out of order!

I'm guessing she's never been pregnant before?!

I would say to her 'u didn't know me before I got pregnant so u can't really comment on my weight'
It may also be worthwhile to say something like 'I hope someone is as outspoken to u when ur pregnant!'

See, I'm a hard nosed bee-atch so I simply wouldn't allow her to get away with it. But even drop into the conversation a lie, something like ur 'friend' was commenting about ur bump and u wish people wud keep their opinions to themselves because they don't realise how hurtful constant comments can be. That way, ur not actually confronting her, but still getting ur point across.

Alternatively, I'll come over and stand behind her and comment on all her faults throughout the day!! :) xx

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Alternatively, I'll come over and stand behind her and comment on all her faults throughout the day!! :) xx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Yeah yeah, me too!! The way I'm feeling about work issues atm, I'm well up for a ruck! x
Thank you Ladies:love:

I have gone from an 8-10 to a 10-12 in 'normal' clothes and a 10 in maternity clothes, I have to weighed myself in years and I don't plan on doing it anytime soon but I do not think I am doing too badly in terms of weight gain.

Like Lou said I wouldn't dream of saying these things to my best friend let alone someone I hardly know.

We all do carry differently, my SIL went from a size 8 to a size 14 after her first but within a year she was back to an 8-10 and was so content!

FirstBaby and Jayjay.... the scary thing is she is in her late 40's and has two grown up children :shock:....She didn't go full term with either of her pregnancies because she developed pre-eclamsia....

I seriously do not understand how some people work!! xx
Alternatively, I'll come over and stand behind her and comment on all her faults throughout the day!! :) xx

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Yeah yeah, me too!! The way I'm feeling about work issues atm, I'm well up for a ruck! x

LOL well at least I know where to go if I want to start a riot.... she clearly has no manners!

What exactly would I do without you two eh!?
Screw her, your going to doing something super special soon....

I'll also queue up wit the other girls :) x x x
If you are still wearing size 10-12 then you are clearly far from being huge! This woman sounds very rude, these aren't comments you make to someone you are friends with let alone someone you don't know. Next time she says anything just tell her your midwife is happy that you are measuring the right size so you don't care about what other people might think. x
Oh she sounds a treat!!!!
I don't think your being hormonal at all...
Next time she says something you should say, how amazing your bump is. And how perfect it is. Don't let her see she's annoying you!
I like the comment about nit picking tell her everything she's doing wrong! Haha!
Try not to compare your bump to anyone else's... At the end of the day that's there bump, this is yours! Would be a very borning place if we all had the same bumps, same pregnancies!
Enjoy your bump...!!!xx
she sounds horrid !! no rite to say comments like this to u !! dont let her get u down !!
I hate people like her! there's a similar woman at my work who never had anything nice to say and when I was so ill throughout the pregnancy was always commenting on how bad I looked as welll as my bump size. I can't even talk to her any more, because I know I have nothing nice to say to her so is better to keep my mouth shut.

Ignore her, she is very rude and sounds like she's trying to get a rise from you for some reason, either that or she is just completely up her own arse and I can't see how what she is saying is completely rude and inappropriate.

You won't have to put up with her for much longer hun xxxx
My maternity leave cover started two weeks ago, she is nice enough but cannot use Excel for toffee and being an accountant I use Excel all day every day.... Not too bothered about that because it is my boses fault for getting someone with less expirience than me, once I go on leave it is technically not my concern.

What is really getting to me is that she keeps going on about how huge I am.... at first I thought she was refering to my bump but she then kept asking me if I was not concerned about how much weight I have gained.

I nearly lost it yesterday.... she asked me how much I weighed before pregnancy and how much I now weigh....

Today she said that she was suprised that they were letting me go full term because I was so big....

I just find the comments and questions inappropriate, I hardly know her and yes I have put on weight but I do not think I have gone overboard (others may disagree). As for my bump I genuinely feel if the midwives do not have an issue with my bump then why should I. I am now just getting fed up of comparing myself to every pregnant woman I see, the ladies in my NCT class are lovely but I am feeling so concious and I find myslef spending my time comaparing my bump to there's rather than enjoying there company.

I am not very quick witted so I have never been able to come up with good replies to these sorts of comments. Plus I cannot figure out if I am just being over sensitive?

Sorry for the moan but I just want to know how you all are dealing with comments.


I am just about ready to start swearing at my laptop after reading this.

I cannot believe that not only is she making comments about your pregnancy weight (which is sadly a downside to being preggers - everyone thinks it is suddnetly OK to discuss your body!!) but to ask you about your weight beforehand is just rudeness beyond belief.

Next time she asks you anything about your weight I'd look her square in the eye and say "why are you so interested in my weight?" if she has the audacity to answer you then you need to tell her her straight that your weight is no longer a topic of discussion. Don't even be polite about it!

What a bitch!!

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I don't condone violence, but I'd love to give people like her a slap!! What a cheeky cow!! x
Well done for not having had a go at her already, not sure I'd manage it in your situation! It's bad enough when people you've known for years go on and on at you about stuff like that, but it's just plain odd (not to mention rude) for somebody in that position to do it! My first job in my current workplace was maternity cover for somebody, and I would never have dreamed of saying anything like that to her, not only because it would be incredibly rude but also because I needed her to help me get the hang of things and wouldn't have wanted to piss her off! :lol:

I was really looking forward to my workplace getting somebody to cover me, but despite knowing the rough date I'd be leaving since mid-January, and originally telling me their plan was to have somebody start last week, there's still no sign of my cover... getting kinda stressed about it now as there's really not long left for me to train somebody. If they don't get somebody 'til after I've gone then it's not my problem, but I know they'll end up getting somebody three days before I finish and it'll be a big mad panic :(

One of my colleagues also annoyed the hell out of me today - she gets a topic into her head and then she can't stop asking questions about it so you feel like you're under interrogation. Anyway, today she spent the whole day asking me one question after another 'have you got such and such yet?' and when the answer was no 'well why not?', then 'have you thought of any names yet?', again answer was no, but she followed up with 'well, are you going to go for traditional names or modern ones?' - at this point I almost screeched at her that I had no idea because I hadn't started thinking about names yet, and my other colleagues all laughed and said maybe it was time to change the subject as 'it's not a good idea to upset a pregnant lady' as if it was all a big joke - I don't think they'd feel the same if it was them being interrogated :evil:

Wow... that turned into an epic rant, sorry!
People make stupid comments or ask a series of annoying questions to the point where we can now longer hold our tongues anymore and WE'RE the ones that get accused of being hormonal :wall:


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