Do I need to test


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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The first day of my last period was the 7th December I'm not sure I should have come on again by now, but I have been on the pill most of my adult life and dont know what my normal cycles will be, I came off the pill in october and my last cycle was 32 days and and has been about that now since last period but I have no symptoms and really cant see that I would be pregnant but what if I am and dont think I am and eat and drink the wrong things
Test!! Its the only way to find out for sure! :)
Thanks for your reply, I used to suffer with pregnancy type symptoms when on the pill due to over sensitivity to progesterone and often drove myself mad with testing and my body paying tricks on me so Im reluctant to get back into driving myself mad testing, also due to how sensitive I am to progesterone I would have thought I would have alot of pregnancy symptoms if I were pregnant, I have been feeling alittle nausious today and still very bloated but nothing compared to the sickness and symptoms I had due to the small amounts of progesterone in the pill so I think its unlikely Im pregnant, I do think I may be getting a UTI so may make a doctors appointment tomorrow and mention late period then.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply!

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