Discovering himself


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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It's lovely that Albert is finding himself and I'm a very proud mummy every time he does something new....but omg it can be annoying lol! His discovering seems to have started with the lower half. Knees round his ears whilst trying to do up his nappy is not helpful, if he bends double any further he's in danger of kissing his own arse lol, and I actually did up his nappy with his hand trapped inside it this morning. I'm just hoping he takes a long time to discover his willy cos I can see that being a problem lol
lol Alyssa has learnt she can kick both her legs and does it quite violently especially when i put her in her cot to sleep at night, she keeps herself awake for a while bouncing from the force of her kicking. she has no interest in seeing her legs or feet tho
Lol! Ethan discovered his manhood last week and Omg it makes me cringe when he yanks at it! Mostly he is gentle, but sometimes really pulls! I tell him another one won't grow back if he pulls it off but he just smiles at .me! Lol!
Joshua discovered his winky a few weeks ago. He has also been kicking furiously lately when changing him. He finds in funny but poor mummy is feeling slightly battered and bruised lol.x
Henry has taken to arching his back & refusing to bend his legs when I try to put a nappy on him. He found his winky a couple of weeks ago. I told him daddy would be proud of him but not to touch it! Lol!
Samira has also finally found her foot yesterday! (A day full of achievements that was, she also rolled over for the first time!) I think she would have got there earlier if those chubby thighs hadn't been in the way... :smile: At least there's no willy yanking to worry about! :wink:

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