Difference in CM before AF and CM before BFP


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2012
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Hi guys,

Quick question how was everyones cm before af came? And how did that differ to all you girls who got BFPs.

I am a day late, i have been having a 28 day cycle for the past 5 months. Its literally like clock work. I ovulated on the 14th of this month which was also CD 14. We bd'd and used protection as alwats but as i said im 1 day late and have thick white cm.

So curious to what you girls experienced to see if a test is worth my while or wait the witch out.

Thanks xxx
If you've been using protection I wouldn't think you were pregnant? I'm confused, are you not ttc? I would think if you knew when you ovulated you would have been tracking but could be mistaken. Creamer cm can be an indication of pregnancy or AF coming, a lot of symptoms are the same unfortunately, I'd splash out on a test if I was you and your already late x
Yeah i know that with protection if highly unlikely but then again stranger things have happened.

Im not ttc at the moment. Althought i cnt wair to start trying for baby number 3.

Juat got me curious to as the question because from memory im normally dry. So wanted to get other opinions on it.
It's different for everyone. I've seen people reporting different CMs and CPs who were all pregnant. It's something you can't really go by. The only way it may indicate pregnancy is if you know your body well and it's different this time. If you know when you ovulated, you could check the number of days in your luteal phase (since you've said your regular), this is what doesn't change in a regular cycle. When you do have a longer or shorter cycle, it's due to a shift in your ovulation day.
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Kabuk1 thanks very much. Ur response was very informative.

It was just a curious question of mine if im being honest. I know my body quite well. I dont feel like my periods coming which is unlike my body. But my body also isnt reacting the way my body did when i was pregnant with my boys.

I suffer with anxiety and depression as well as panic attacks and havent been too good the last few days. So maybe that is delaying it.

Thanks for ur friendly response non the less hun xx
My cm was absolutely no different to my normal pre af, I was dry, had a few days minimal creamy cm which I get anyway after ovulation, that was it, unfortunately this pregnancy didn't stick. Only way to tell is take a test. I suffer with depression and anxiety too. Hugs to you. xx
My cm before af was watery and lots of it. But just before my bfp I didn't have anything. Dry as a bit of cardboard. Everyone is different cough, probe be easier to just do a test xx
Thanks very much girls. I appreciate the response. Big hugs lillith. My first pregnancy resulted in a misscarriage at 8 weeks. Its horrible and so tough to get through. Xx
Just remembered girls on the 19th i have light spotting and had a snall clot come away at that time. Some of the spotting was brown and some red. I know brown indicates old blood. But its rare for that to happen to me mid cycle...

Maybe theres been a change in my hormones. Has anyone experienced this x
Just remembered girls on the 19th i have light spotting and had a snall clot come away at that time. Some of the spotting was brown and some red. I know brown indicates old blood. But its rare for that to happen to me mid cycle...

Maybe theres been a change in my hormones. Has anyone experienced this x

Some women have implantation bleeding after ovulation, I think you need to do a test asap xx
I think you need to test too.thick white cm is normal as its like stopping the sperm from getting up as its past ovulation and coming up to af due date it's no different whether you're pregnant or not as after ovulation the oestrogen will rise to prepare for a pregnancy regardless of conception.

If af doesnt show by tomorrow im going to test xx
So i tested on monday n was bfn. But still no sign of my af. Week late tomorrow. Hate this part just waiting for it to come
What's your cervix like, when I get my period even on the pill it drops down in the days to come softens and opens up and I even lose a mini plug the day or two days before period is due.
I've not took the pill this month and just been cautious as I have no desire for any more children at all but it was such clock work in week two I felt like a chicken going to hatch an egg when ovulation was due last weekend it stopped, my cervix was relatively high, higher than usual when on the pill and now the weekend is over my cm has changed, not specifically checked my cervix that much tho. By 28 days my period is due not this weekend coming but the week after but as I had shorter cycles when ttc I'm expecting it to come between this weekend and the one after. When I did catch my lines were so faint and despite me knowing I was pregnant on the forums people told me I was bonkers and not pregnant. Proved them wrong because days later I had a positive on the digi and the result is playing on the floor now haha! Then again your body can play weird tricks on you so all you can do is wait and re test if af still don't show in the days to come x

So 8 days late now still no sign of AF no pregnancy symtpoms like i had with my boys and no symptoms or signs that my period is coming. Im on Cd37 now. In the last year my very latest cycle was 40 days. Which to be honest was just after i had my boy in 2015 and my cycles where just regulating. I hate not knowing my body

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