didnt know where to put this?? but...


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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its 6 days since i had edward.. and when i was walking round shopping earlier my bellys aching (periodpains) and i keep getting headaches behind my eyes...my bleedings almost stopped, now im sitting here feeding and the period pains are excruchiating ) have i overdone it? or is this normal...feel sick with the pain :( also my feet are really swollen??
Cant answer your questions hun but just wanted to give u these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I found that my after pains with Jack were much worse than when i had Emily
My MW said it was normal and pains seem to get worse with every baby :shock:
I felt sick and had to sit with a hot water botle and does up on painkillers

It should get better soon though hun x
i would phone your midwife and get her to come and check your BP etc. Better safe than sorry.
They may well be after pains but you can't be too careful paricularly as you are only 6 days post partum
I dont know much about this but :hug: :hug:

Another thing is i don't know if its related but a friend said when she bf it gave her tummy pains...

Hope you get it sorted hon

Maybe after pains as I had them after I had Robbie, especially as I was feeding myself and they are really painful
I'm surprised that you have stopped bleeding so soon, it took me weeks to stop! Has anyone else only bled for a short time?
Maybe ring your midwife just to be sure that you haven't got an infection, I think though if it was anything to worry about you would be bleeding heavy and passing blood clots! :hug:
Breast feeding causes your uterus to contract more quickly... the feeding causes hormones to be released that shrink the uterus in the same way as contractions. Its why they want you to put the baby straight to the breast after birth because the hormones encourage you to expel the placenta, contract the blood vessels and reduce bleeding.

If you've nearly stopped bleeding, then that's a good sign.

The headaches could be caused by dehydration. Its incredible how much you need to drink during breast feeding especially if you are walking around a lot.... but with swollen feet then that suggests high bp too. I would speak to your mw as soon as possible to be on the safe side.

Btw I stopped bleeding with Tia really quickly I think it was like 8 or 9 days (my usual period time is only about 3 days so for me this was ages :roll:)
lisa&alex said:
i keep getting headaches behind my eyes...also my feet are really swollen??
sorry hun somehow missed this bit when i first read it :?
I would mention this to MW as like budge said it may be blood pressure and feet maybe water retention, i didn't have either of these but would be better to be safe...
as may know, my amber 6 days too lol
ive been expiercing alot of period type pains etc when i was breastfeeding her first few days, but since milk came in she wasnt interested and didnt take any, so the pains have stopped, all normal when breastfeeding according to my MW
As for the headaches im the same, ive had one since yesterday now and its killing along with feeling sick (been sick once), but i think ive caught that stupid bug thats going around.
lucky youve stopped bleeding, i havent.
thanks everyone for your replys.. im feeling much better now.. and my feet arnt as swollen today as they have been..will mention it to the midwife tmro.. i sat on the sofa.. and got shouted at by alex for doign to much.. he ordered me to sit there for an hour with hot water bottle on my tummy.. he got me a big bottle of flavored water and made me drink it along with some painkillers, and ive just had a hot bath.. Edward has fed again and ive expressed since the post and the pains have eased.. thank god..

i also blead for 4 weeks with charlotte and then had period after they had stopped for a day :roll: i havent stopped bleeding.. but theres not much. perhaps im over doing it a little.. but its pretty hard not to when you have a 5 year old who needs entertaining to.. stoll on tmro! back to school!! yippyy lol.. gonna miss her though.. its been a really nice few days with the 4 of us :)
They Say You Feel Your Uterus Getting "Pulled Back" When Breastfeeding So Maybe Thats It. However, I Do Know That Over Doing It Can In Some Cases Cause a Dropped Uterus Because Your Not Relaxing Enough To Let It Go Back Slowly. If YOur Constantly On Your Feet Then It Will Drop As It Shrinks Back So Be Careful :hug: I Did Too Much & Had The Pains For a While. They Will Stop When Your Uterus Returns To Normal. Also, When Your Pregnant YOu Have Loads n Loads Of Fluid In Your Body, Then When The Babys Born That Fluid Has Nowhere To Go So It Usually Goes Straight To The Most Prone Areas Which Are The Calves,Feet & Ankles. Mine Swelled Like Balloons & Really Hurt. Put Your Feet Up & Make Sure You Legs Are Level With Your Body As Much As Possible. Eventually You'll Pee All The Fluid Out (lol) But Until Then Rest As Much As Possible :hug:
I had excruciaing pains when I breastfed Imogen and doing the housework too didnt help. You hubby was right to shout at you and make you take it easy - youve just had a baby for christs sake woman!

Sod the house work and that and just keep your feet up and feed that baby - it sounds though as its all going very well!
Relaxing is very important, i cooked lunch and entertained when my daughter was 3 days old!!! not a good move, felt like i was going to fall apart!no one offered help, so this time im gonna let people know i need to rest!!!
I would definitely contact your HV and have her just check you over, and I really hope it alleases soon for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had swollen ankles after birth too, very painful, its all trapped fluid, you have to try and keep your legs elevated as much as possible, quite impossible I know, but when you can, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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