Did you get emotional at your first scan?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I went for my first scan last week and felt a little bit emotional. If the baby did not make me laugh because he/she was jumping around every single second, i think I would have had a few tears. I found it amazing and such a beautiful confirmation your baby is alive!
What was your experience?

Yes I found it very emotional although I was trying hard not to laugh as our baby jumped about as it showed on the screen!

Looking forward to the second scan on the 20th July!

Sarah x
At my first scan at 7wks1dy I cried when I saw my baby - I don't know if it was the releif of it not being eptopic, or finally seeing a live baby in me after losing 2, or just coz i'm a soft sod!

All I can say is that I will never ever forget that moment. That blob is my baby :)

I can totally empathise with how you feel!! Can't wait to see it in a week and a half when hopefully baby will be jumping around a bit :D
my first scan is on monday, I have been quite emotional recently about silly things, like when watching soaps and stuff i find myself filling upand think why? it's not even that sad, dos thishappen with you?. But Im hoping i dont cry and look silly infront of my OH, lol, but i have a feeing it will make me teary, ill let you know x
Yeah I had a blub, I think even DH had tears :lol: It was a really magical amazing moment seeing the baby on the screen waving and jiggling about :D
we had our first scan last week, we both were very teary *sniffle* baby kicked a couple of times the rubbed its eyes, not happy with us for waking it!

we were amazed we could see soo much and relived that it looked ok!

It was wow, my body as been busy, there is a baby after all! Worried that we think it is soo cutie now, what are we going to be like once we have it in our arms! roll on 20wk scan on the 18th of Aug!

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