Did they let slip i'm having a girl....?????!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2006
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I had a 21 week scan last week, which was amazing! The baby was moving about and not only could I feel it, but I could see it on the screen.

The Nurse was taking the usual measurements, when she had a clear shot between the legs. I looked and thought 'thats got to be a girl'!! After, that the Nurse reffered to the baby as 'she' a couple of times, until we looked at her, then she quickly reffered to it as 'baby' thereafter.

Do you think she may have let slip?? Has anyone else's nurse reffered to the baby as 'he' or 'she'??
Our sonographer referred to Baby as 'she' and 'he'. Also called it 'baby' and 'it' :)

I'd not read too much into it tbh as I'm guessing you didn't ask to be told or they don't tell. Even if they do tell you, its not a definate, they always say to allow a margin for error. Her saying she a couple of times does not prove anything I don't think. If you put stock in it and it turns out to be wrong, it might be upsetting.
i always call bump he, some people call it she, i wouldnt worry too much hun
The sonographer said they didn't look unless you asked the sex. Too much of a risk if they look and get it wrong I would think!
I've read a thread like this before. I think it's really mean that they refer to the baby as a he or she if you haven't asked. Even if it is force of habit!

Sounds a bit to me like she might have let it slip, but I guess you will only find out one way.

If you notice, when you read pregnancy literature they often choose to refer to the baby as a he or a she. I think it's just the way people speak - before i knew i called mine he quite a lot without thinking so don't read too much into it as she could just refer to most babies like that!

although i asked to fine out the sex of baby the sonographer wasnt 100% sure what im havin but said it could be a girl i still refere to bump as he lol
dnt worri to much hun xx
At my 20 week scan the doctor said "he" a few times.

My ex was over the moon, although I didn't actually hear her!

Anywho...check the ticker - :roll:
My Lo was referred to as "he" by our sonographer before he then quickly referred to "baby", then explaining at that it was a good job we didnt want to find out the sex because baby had its legs crossed the whole way through.

Cover up methinks, but hubby thinks im being daft.

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