Did any of you get pregnant on Metformin?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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If you conceived on metformin I would love to hear.

I am currently making the decision to go on this drug due to PCOS. But there is a question mark over whether to use metformin or whether to rigorously change my diet and exercise regime first.

Any metformin stories I would love to hear...

thank you x
my gynae told me to get back on it, and to get myself to the top dose to help get pregnant. i could never last more than a few days on it though, I couldnt leave the house cause of the runs, headache and tiredness.

there are arguments though for it helping to prevent miscarriage? a lot of woman dont stop taking it until they get to the 12weeks, even though medical advice is to stop taking it straight away.

its worth having a look at Verity-pcos forum. The girls on there are great, and what they dont know about metformin, PCOS and getting pregnant isnt worth knowing!!

good luck with it.
Thats super helpful thank you! did you struggle to get pregnant with PCOS -what did you try in the end? x x
turns out it wasnt a struggle at all! we were NTNP for about a year, but we were only having sex about 3 times a month and no idea whether it was around ovulation time.

only started TTC properly in December, got my BFP in January so have been very lucky. I used EPO, pregnacare vits, charted my CM and temp, used OPKS and used softcups and preseed when we had sex.

so we pretty much did everything in the one month, and it worked. My cycles had stayed at around the 31 day mark since I came off the pill a year ago which amazed me. As before i started the pill I would only get 1 period every 3 months or so, and then I would bleed very heavily for 3 weeks.

I am so thankful I didnt go back to having those cycles......... x
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Hiya hun. For the min forget about pregnancy. If you have PCOS then take the Metformin. Metformin helps normalise insulin levels (pcos is also insulin resistance in most people) When they normalise then hormones start to normalise too.

I've been on Metform for 8 months (500mg x 3 a day) and hubby has noticed I have less mood swings, less depressive days, lost almost 4 stone in weight, my unwanted hair isn't as thick and noticable and don't have as much acne (still have lots tho bleh) I can also wake up in the morning instead of wanting to sleep all day due to been so lethargic and tired all the time!

So just for the overall health benafits it's worth taking it. From my POV I've had 3 back to back monthly cycles this year for the first time in my life!

Still trying to get pregnant but you never know. Yes When you start it and random times it makes you feel REAL sick but stick with it and it does work. I really doubted it since all other stuff including clomid failed so we said right - sort this PCOS out T?HEN go back to getting preggers and boom put on metformin and boom 1 year on that and still not preggers you go IVF.

Everyone is differant tho and depends what hormones are out of whack for those on PCOS, depends how it works.
Don't give up yet hun and it's at least worth a try.
I'll probs be on Metformin for life but you never know a pregnancy might reboot us ;)
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I took Metformin for 3 months back in the fall after finally being officially diagnosed with PCOS, but never had a chance to get back to the doctor for refills due to Christmas and the other holidays along with some personal/family issues... Anyway, I just found out I'm 7 weeks pregnant after having no luck for over 3 years. Even tho I took it for just 3 months, I believe it straightened out my hormones just enough to enable me to conceive. Even in those 3 months I had lost several pounds and did overall feel better, with less mood swings, etc as well. My periods got back on track and surprisingly continued to be even after I ran out... I did have quite a bit of GI upset at first but once that got better, I was fine...
In regards to your comment, I tried to change my diet and exercise several times over the past few years but would only loose a few pounds and then hit a plateau no matter what I done... (which I know everyone is different) My doctor said that happens a lot with PCOS because of the hormones being so out of whack that your body thinks it is going to starve and then it starts reserving fat instead of burning it... (I hope I paraphrased that right....)
Anyway, I hope I didn't just ramble on there... and I wish you the best of luck! :)
hey thanks for that! So how soon did you notice a change in your mentral cycle. Mine is long. Did yours shorten on metformin? From what length?

I am very hopeful that next month my ovulation will come around much quicker - it wa CD 40 last month!! Jeeeeez :(

x x x

congrats on your pregnancy!!
Let's see it took 4 months on Metformin before I started getting regualr periods. Jan and feb regular and this one was gearing up to be but still waiting for AF or BFP hehe even tho felt like should be bleeding over a week blood tests have confirmed I had a normal cycle this month and oved :D

So yeah months on 3 500mg tablets a day to reboot me :)
Well done on the ovulation! I'm on a very low dose metformin just 500 with breakfast plus the diet strictly and exercise
I really hope next months ov comes round quicker!
I Dont think I got lucky this month. 13dpo yesterday and BFN!
Doc said test again on Sunday and if not then I stop the progesterone support I'm on and AF should follow
Good luck to you hun.
Kinda silly but it actually makes you feel good when you start to OV on your own :D
yeah ovulation comes so easy to so many people, but if i can get to the point that i can do it more than once every two months I will feel like half the battle is won!!

Did you test today? x
My periods were so out of whack... I would miss them for a month or two at a time and then have a really heavy one for at least 7 days, and then I even bled once for 6 weeks in the summer of 2011... (sorry TMI)
Once I started the Metformin, seems like it was the second period after starting it that I could tell a difference. It wasn't nearly as heavy and they started to come fairly normal after that, or at least my version of normal considering what they used to be! I would keep track of them online because I would have such a hard time remembering when I had one because I was so out of whack. According to the last few periods I had my cycle averaged 37 days, which was a big improvement from before...
But did you have any weight to lose? I heard that lots of ladies har good results due to the weight that metformin makes you lose. I am only 8 stone 7 so my issue is the insulin resistance and I hope metformin will help me with that quickly. Just about to start AF so I'm just wishing for an ovulation sooner than day 40 of my cycle!! X
Hey. I have had PCOS since I was 13. I started taking metformin but it always gave me tummy ache and the runs etc so i stopped taking it. I went back to my doctor after stopping the pill and discussing my options for pregnancy etc. She advised me to go on metformin Slow release which doesnt act as bad. I've now been on it for about 6 months 2000g a day 2 x 1000g. I have lost 2 stone in weight and feel much better in myself. I feel more confident and less mood swings. Im starting to see my periods regulate aswell which is a great help in checking when i'm ov.

Hope you get things sorted!!

sorry to use this thread can't work out how to start my own but need answers. Stopped taking the pill in February, have had two normal periods, now ten days before i am due to start my next period i have come on, been having sex on ovulation days, its not spotting so i doubt implantation (unfortunately), so whats going on? any ideas?
It can take a little while for your body to get into a routine after coming off the pill.
The best thing you could do is start charting. How long we're your two Cycles after you stopped the pill?
they were both 28 day cycles as normal, and were both on time, i am normally very regular x
Take your temps next cycle to see when you ovulate and to see how long the first half of cycle is and how long your luteal phase is. With a good temperature rise at ovulation you then at least know where you are. I wouldn't worry too much as you've just come off the pill. X

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