

Jun 18, 2013
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Hi Ladies,

I am abit worried I've had 3 bouts of diarrhea (sorry girls not nice I know) in around the last 4 days - so once over the 3 days. I am really worried as I was constipated before that. I eat really well, except for some the hard to pass sweetie bowl at work. Bu lots of greens and salads at lunch times. The thing I am useless at doing is drinking water. My husband says I am dehydrated so that's why I have the loose stools. What do you think, as it's worrying me so!
One minute I'm constipated and the next I've got the runs. I wouldn't worry love just keep drinking and eating xx
I've had diorrea a lot recently sometimes every time I eat I aren't worried though x
I read that diarrhoea is a form of morning sickness for some people xx

Oh, and if you're dehydrated it's likely to cause constipation not loose stools though of you have diarrhoea it can cause dehydration. Vicious cycle xx
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Same here too. Constipated one minute then diarrhea the next no matter what I eat!

Don't worry about it too much.

Sophie x
Thanks so much ladies!! You really did help. I had a bad bout this morning and went to see my Gp. She said its normal and baby should be safe. So phew!! xx
I was like that first few weeks
Hey :) I've had Diarrhea on and off for 6 months now, it stopped for a month then I got pregnant and it's suddenly started again :lol: Unless it causes pain or you begin to bleed I wouldn't worry too much :) make sure you keep drinking plenty of water xxx

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