December due date


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Don't know why I haven't already posted this in here? but my EDD is 3rd December.

my edd is 6th December. I am awaiting my first scan at the moment and can't wait. As I am only 8 weeks and I have no syptoms what so ever it just doesn't feel real. I need to see that little baby on screen to be sure!
Hi all. My edd is Dec 3rd. I will be so happy when I get past the 1st trimester. Anyone else feel the same?
hi, i m due on 18 of dec. waiting for first scan....
Hi Guys!!

I'm due 29th Nov.
I have a dating scan on 17th May so that may well change a little!!
Fingers crossed I don't find out that I'm less far gone than Doc tells me!!
I just want to get to 12 weeks now!!
My EDD is Dec 7th and I am nearly 10 weeks now. I haven't had my first scan yet so my EDD may change especially seeing as my cycle was quite long!
My due date is the 5th december. can't wait.

Em xxx
Hi All!

So I take it this year we are all going to have a special little new arrival for christmas....

Can I ask even though the baby will be a matter of weeks old would you be buying christmas presents?
i probably won't be buying xmas pressies for my baby as it's due 2 days after xmas and even if it does decide to put in an early appearance i'm sure the rest of the family will be spoiling it rotten for me!! i want to give my son a special christmas this year tho as it will be his last one as an only child, bless him.
Hi guys

I started this thread but I haven't been around the forums for a long time. I have been feeling scared about being pregnant and have also had sickness 24/7 which has now eased and turned into indigestion! I am now 17+ weeks pg and have had 2 scans already and am having another on 22nd July.

Hope you are all well.

Speak soon

Hi everyone, just wanted to know how you all were. Has anyone found out what their having yet?
Ive got my 21 wk scan on 1st August and cant wait. We really want to know what it is but knowing our luck it will have its legs crossed LOL.
Has everyones sickness died down yet. Mine seems to come and go, if I dont eat for a couple of hours then i get sicky.
I do keep getting funny pains in my tum but as i read somewhere on here, its probably just a growth spurt.
I still feel fat but i have a bit of bump appearing and my breasts seemed to have stopped growing, mores the pity.
My face seems to have stopped erupting in spots and is slowely clearing up.
Anyway thats my news for now.

Take care everyone and hope your all well.
I will be finding out on the 12th August (hopefully).

My skin is still a bit of a nightmare, especially my back. I've got lots of little red pimples on my chest aswell, which is really embarassing!
Sickness has gone, but I'm still off of a lot of foods. Had a few hormonal fat days, but after a good blub I tend to feel a whole lot better :D

I'm due 29th December.
I havent had the tears yet but I do get so down in the dumps. Thinking Im fat, looking horrible with all these spots, none of my clothes fitting.
Is this normal? I guess it is!
My hubby says its only because your preggers which is true but you know when you just want to go ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
i am due on dec 28. i'm a little depressed as i have already gained 12-14 lbs!!!!
bushra said:
hi, i m due on 18 of dec. waiting for first scan....
Hi I am also due on 18 Dec, how are you feeling, how did your first scan go?
We should try and keep in touch
Hey all my EDD is December 8th and my son's birthday is December 17th so we'll have two b-days then Christmas and new years WOOT! lol we'll definately be broke every December. :lol:
My EED is Dec 27th. I also have a son with Dec 18th birthday. Our Christmas will definately be broke. OH well, it's all worth it.
i know what you mean about christmas! i think i will have to start celebrating it in july! my first son is jan 15, and his cousins are jan 5 and jan 24. Our second being due on dec 28 means a LOT of presents and no money left!!!

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