Day 20...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
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...and still no 'peak' on the fertility monitor :(

From Tapatalk
Aw that's frustrating. When do you normally ovulate? x
well, I've never monitored them until this cycle but I've had 2 days of what I always thought were ovulation pains at about day 13 to 15... , had them this month, but temp and monitor both say no :(

From Tapatalk
Hmm... are you just doing it once per day? Perhaps your peak is really short? Or perhaps ovulation is just happening later for you this month? I had a random month where I ovulated a week later than normal...
Have you been dtd anyway just in case? xx
I've not used the monitor but I used the clearblue advanced digi opk's this month and I never got a peak after testing for 9 days, always just a high. I was testing with cheapie opk's as well and I chart my temp, so I know I did ovulate. The sticks missed it xx
During ewcm we bd 4 times over 7 days (4 days of good quality cm) where I was sure I was due to ovulate... but no peak or temp change recorded. Since then I've had no decent cm. I did have ovulation pains the following day after final bd but nothing seemed to follow. I did have one day of terrible nipple pains which I have never had before. My clothes would even hurt when brushing them. I really dont understand my body

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