Daughter's pre school - chickenpox outbreak!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Hi everyone!

Does anyone know anything about chicken pox from 20 weeks? I have googled and it says that it's a pretty low risk but not very specific!
I can't get my mw as she's on annual leave and so I'm a little worried! I must admit I'm not really concerned, but thought I'd put it out there to you! Xxx
As long as you've already had it, your baby will be fine.
My daughter got it when I was 8 weeks pregnant and the doctor said it was fine if I've already had it and is only a concern if you get it at the end of your pregnancy x.
Thank you!
I had it very mildly when I was a little girl. I hope that's enough!
The younger you get it the better it is and the immunity is just the same hunny.....but thanks lmao this thread has made me itch....no-one mention nits for fecks sake :rofl: xxxxxxx
I am at home with my 4yr old who has it at the moment, if your daughter does get it, then they can check your immunity through a blood test, I get my results after 3pm today!
It's more a risk in the first 12 weeks and tri 3 from memory. If you are worried get your immunity tested - doc can sort this out. Has your dd had c/pox yet?
No not yet! I'm dreading that day... I hate the idea of her being so poorly!!! Xxx
I know here in Canada they check your immunity for chicken pox when you get all of your initial prenatal blood tests. It is possible to lose immunity ... I had it full blown at 4 years old and full blown again at 25 so it is very possible to get it more than once. If you notice any little spots starting on you or your daughter it is probably best to get checked right away.
No not yet! I'm dreading that day... I hate the idea of her being so poorly!!! Xxx

aww my dd woke on last christmas day covered in them - santa gave her an extra special present.
when asked what she got for christmas she said ' chicken spots' lol
Hey hun hope ur daughter, you and baby ok. Would check with your doctor xx
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